Saturday, November 22, 2008

How Much Scope To Get Trashed

ante el ensayo general

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Text For Walima Wedding Cards

fascinante variedad

A Japanese Bhutto,
a musical
song and rhythm of the drums.
is fascinating cultural variety
and world experiences.
As each work outside tastes
if something gives you the right time comes.

Sankai Juku, the cry of the shadows. Distress or pain, are the words that define it, but with its quietness and parsimony, an zehn experiecia you communicate.
new is its origin, after World War 2, from Europe in the 80's, comes to me, innovative and different in detail. The use of materials and man dehumanized as mannequins, almost faceless, expressionless, is the most heartbreaking and shocking the whole show.

Lovers Anonymous, an exaggeration of love, an experience surreal and crazy moments of Almodovar really kitsch.
And enjoy it if you do not take it seriously, if you laugh and take what's good about the work, the songs of the past, the colors maddening and unnecessary characters.
gives us a hope, perhaps a new and interesting idea, therapy, love, love as a disease can be cured! An attractive approach that fades into topics and folk songs to show that however different the people, need love.
Anyway, nothing new, nothing special but very very funny, if you know him.

Mayumana, the last trio is incredible, powerful, energetic, vital, original, and a long etcet era. From the first moment catches you and you want to jump on stage.
Light and Sonito. Artists at the same rate but each different individual, are the nuances of style that Achim, unlike most companies, instead of avoiding it, is operated and each brings different things your way. Among
flamenco and Arabic, pure Brazil, rap hip-hop or blues, it's all intertwined in this scenario.
A part of the escenografái and dancing, getting participation, audience interaction is great. No complex with joy connecting with people and not cut.
the end, after applause and emotion, the implication is that jumping from the stage to join with people to take the last steps with the public.
A show for living.

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He vuelto a tirar los dados

I roll the dice again
have divided the cards back
a message has been launched into space

We are in a time of change
and that is palpable.
A time when couples are
always refers to
or split until the next
and thousands of souls are

being free now.

6 months, 1 year WE ARE FREE.
acceptance, crying,
a new road opens.

those who have been there quietly,
try their luck and sincerely
not know where life will come.

Incredible encounters, impossible coincidences

and new friendships.

A world opens before me
'm breaking my own patterns and prejudices
to learn to see the world
a new way.

I can only say,

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cancer Life Expectancy Throat

Auténticamente Barroco

a while since I looked so much anticipation a construction site.
I have seldom heard so much to everyone on a show and I managed to create so curious about it.
The lead actor and the film is based n the q this work were the 2 main attractions, but the result, it found, was a thousand times better as q d imagined. The theater decorated
d up cn in black and white photos n d the work. You walk into the room, and cm if you had arrived unannounced, uninvited, on stage are already in use, the characters are already living a life without hope you get aq! Since then understand
q is not a normal work and gradually absorbed by it you see. Play with you, I grieve, handle your feelings cm if you were a character and dares to speak directly to the face.
has muxo d metatheatre off with that voice n q speaks directly with the public, q is in part context and decorated.
Dangerous Liaisons is a powerful argument, which will see the work, it knows q will not find something simple, but here the feelings are elevated to maximum power out of control and expressed with every possible weapon.
The scenery, the wall moves q, drowning and supports q as required. The expression of the fruit, games d lights and choreographed movements of the Baroque make a complete work, closed, fabulous in every detail where each piece has been touched by great artists.
I saw her twice, and the second m allowed to appreciate details, q the first time I had not discovered stunned by the flash of novelty and d and impertinence q aggressiveness expressed work. M allowed the film to recognize phrases, see the choreography dl dancer and better establish those symbols allowed greater ownership SM with each scene.
certainly see her again. Without doubt, invite everyone to see, but with courage, with an open mind to absorb what this great work offers.

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La valentía de ser FELIZ

A simple movie, a little ambitious but ... that makes you happy, it shows as happiness is an attitude and not be afraid to take it.
There are many curious points about human nature in this movie.
The protagonist is an ordinary girl , almost ugly, with a current life immensely but q d can d be happy every day life, while acknowledging dq life is not perfect but just wants to be happy, and it is.
The people reaction to this is d life ... is mixed: some are spread xq d it, others felt rejected or even feel bad about his own life cn q do not enjoy it as q and this is the phenomenon most n q m this movie has drawn attention, not all were able q d admire and spread, if q does not feel rejected and even insulted. Each, q takes life as it can ...
I can not say q is a masterpiece or SM will change the life, is not true xq, xq no jumping salts, it is really a very realistic movie, but worth a peek into your life to infect d their joy and be happy cn ours.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Is Linda Tran Still Modeling

Esquinas superficiales

surface apparently in corners, under construction and books without expectations, find great lines that open a path and help us.
This does not change you life, but give us clues about relationships, about who we are and what we seek:
"When two people are attracted, send messages that are interested in the other, often mimicking the other's actions "
Around the World in 80 citations
Something as basic as the effect of mono ... does not suggest attraction.
The animals are just like his master, is a sign d love.
And that couples increasingly attract more between them, is a scientific fact.
Why then ... do not save time and looking for people like us? And I do not mean fisicam m, if q external attitude to the world, either like our xq then, perhaps, the inside looks like tb ours. Checked
already personally q ends attract but do not complement and ... ultimately, it can not work. Externally, from day one, to his way of interacting with the world, and could have been. Should take this as a sign for future relations?
may be a clue, right?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chapped Discolored Lips

El Batman más reflexivo

I was very pleased, for his strength, impact and significance behind the fireworks. But overall, I liked it because it made me think about three key points in the film: realism, the Joker and the hero.
is undoubtedly the most realistic movie of all, was recorded in the city of Chicago, villains have defects that could be true and certainly does not follow Burton's gothic aesthetic. But though ... This is totally premeditated is this positive? Does not take away part of the charm, part of the essence of the comic? Jocker
Here is an incredible character, led him to the limit and he tries to put the limit values \u200b\u200bof the society where the ferry test is scary, since "not criminals" are the toughest with the rest, for they believe they have morality on their side. Criticism of the double standard and the established order is deadly "monstrosities we are able to accept as falling within the regulated or expected.

I like the idea of \u200b\u200bchaos as a way to take us to limit ourselves. Finally
term or figure of the hero taken to extremes. "It's not the hero it needs, but that Gotham deserves."
many thoughts arise due to this term in the film and understand the role black hero who does good "final" without worrying about doing evil on the road. Although I am also concerned that hero of a "greater purpose" in a way, because it disregards rules and morality (killing is wrong, but killing the bad guy is not. It is something simple and basic but it exemplifies not always give the necessary importance to certain actions that are justified hero).
Driven by this thought and the historical moment in which we have, a figure that is for the greater good, but the rest do not understand it, is dangerous and more thinking about the attitude of Americans against the rest of the world.
this reflection is too extreme? I think not all entertainment holds something back.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

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Simplemente Sexo en NY

This weekend was spent in each of a friend and inaugurate our personal marathon of Sex and the City.

Duran very little and they look great. T ll row, you link stories, you put meaning to moments and details that you had lost, but more importantly, it gives you the opportunity to talk about everything and, especially, sex.

A friend asked me why we are hooked on this series and this is the answer. We can talk rags, love and sex. As the series to end, often simply the backdrop.

The series ended with the finale of the film, where glamor and cynicism displayed by the wedding of the year. So now, you start to watch the show knowing all the details of the final and although I enjoy, because there are cartoons that really do not know ... see what you are looking for details refer to the final, '"he said," always the same thing happens, "something bad has to come now," "how to ruin it this time?". Why is it bad to know the end, that you can not forget.

rewind would be interesting to see them now in our lives again detecting those details that marked the end we took the time today. Both

life, like the series, are from the eyes of experience, with eyes of time, because avoids an objective opinion, only life.

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Magical, exciting, of those movies that capture you and make a época.Aún was a student when I saw her, ahem, and quite small and the impact was total. I arrived, I filled up and cried with the CARPE DIEM final.Creo that marked a generation and all and boys dreamed about, rebels poetas.Después this has been a lot of teachers with their students but nothing ... no doubt, none able to reach the heart as esta.Apoyó the discovery of Ethan Hawke, who, oddly enough , is the only one who has managed to become famous, among the protagonists.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

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VIENTOS DEL AGUA. Simplemente obligatoria. HAVANA

A masterpiece, a mandatory series, a number necessary for people to understand that people understand.
Spain was emigrant to Argentina, and now the Argentines for help. America, France and other countries opened his arms to a troubled and now Spain is we who have to hold out their arms.
is a tough series in cases too hard.
toooda tells a life, which means so many ups and down. It is a work sweetened, is a sincere and heartbreaking work.
I think they should put it at school so that people understand what life is like for millions of people.
I hope one day, get more accepting of the world.