Thursday, August 14, 2008

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Simplemente Sexo en NY

This weekend was spent in each of a friend and inaugurate our personal marathon of Sex and the City.

Duran very little and they look great. T ll row, you link stories, you put meaning to moments and details that you had lost, but more importantly, it gives you the opportunity to talk about everything and, especially, sex.

A friend asked me why we are hooked on this series and this is the answer. We can talk rags, love and sex. As the series to end, often simply the backdrop.

The series ended with the finale of the film, where glamor and cynicism displayed by the wedding of the year. So now, you start to watch the show knowing all the details of the final and although I enjoy, because there are cartoons that really do not know ... see what you are looking for details refer to the final, '"he said," always the same thing happens, "something bad has to come now," "how to ruin it this time?". Why is it bad to know the end, that you can not forget.

rewind would be interesting to see them now in our lives again detecting those details that marked the end we took the time today. Both

life, like the series, are from the eyes of experience, with eyes of time, because avoids an objective opinion, only life.

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Magical, exciting, of those movies that capture you and make a época.Aún was a student when I saw her, ahem, and quite small and the impact was total. I arrived, I filled up and cried with the CARPE DIEM final.Creo that marked a generation and all and boys dreamed about, rebels poetas.Después this has been a lot of teachers with their students but nothing ... no doubt, none able to reach the heart as esta.Apoyó the discovery of Ethan Hawke, who, oddly enough , is the only one who has managed to become famous, among the protagonists.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

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VIENTOS DEL AGUA. Simplemente obligatoria. HAVANA

A masterpiece, a mandatory series, a number necessary for people to understand that people understand.
Spain was emigrant to Argentina, and now the Argentines for help. America, France and other countries opened his arms to a troubled and now Spain is we who have to hold out their arms.
is a tough series in cases too hard.
toooda tells a life, which means so many ups and down. It is a work sweetened, is a sincere and heartbreaking work.
I think they should put it at school so that people understand what life is like for millions of people.
I hope one day, get more accepting of the world.