the most beautiful day. CAVA 6
Today is the happiest day:
If I think of you if I have you with me, if your hands are intertwined with mine, if your lips kissing mine, if I hear you say words love, if my thoughts are, if every time I remember every one of our meetings full of love, if in my dream are you with the tenderness that characterizes you, if each step I take you accompany me, if in the happiest moment you're with me to be happy, if my body just shudders to hear you love.
With just be with you today, tomorrow and every day of my life, will be the most beautiful day ...!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Separate Implantation Bleeding
REVIEW "Lourdes" *
(no way to avoid the unhealthy obsession with floral)
* and what I feel like its counterpart. O leaden, and even complete a conversation lourde.
endorsed today if the window, which broke out the water feet in deadly whiteness (whiteness arterial spasm irrigation shortages paresthesia), so I pulled back stumps after the fog, plugging the rest (the remains) of my figure which wrapped in black going through what looks like the park but follow the river line. Exhaling exploded colors may cross the threshold sat in the same green carpet of algae heavy wool scraping the same as ever, but the gray outside the window designs and is spread along the walls might want to keep me remember external monochrome lead to the bed, sitting, lifted the cloth and kept it in my hands the fingers in a coma, the tiny fingernails so white. And yet it took me a while to avenge the cold color these ends rubbing up with palms.
I must also admit guilt to me. Can not wait any longer if you dance under this ash the saddest of the waltz. The nip! nap! It's all a trap .
(no way to avoid the unhealthy obsession with floral)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Gaia Online How To Change A Light In Your Home
U.S. Foreign Assistance
Development Assistance and Military Spending Spending to Promote Appear Contradictory two sets of values: One That One That builds and dismantled. Where do you think the U.S. Government allocate more of STI funding?
Development Assistance and Military Spending Spending to Promote Appear Contradictory two sets of values: One That One That builds and dismantled. Where do you think the U.S. Government allocate more of STI funding?
A Collaboration Between Good and Column Five Media
Friday, April 22, 2011
Driver For Philips Tv7135 Wdm
A me is that I know, it stuns me birthdays.
I am confused,
here I can only hold onto the jersey, Will Sibylle, the three books I bought on Wednesday in France (Vian, Ernaux, Queneau), galloping pain just above the pubis, the strange way of interacting with individuals opaque, even those guys for your touch was the first (half laughing, were they so many? unclean) and trusted voices before, now known (and vice versa), it all seems so distant and heavy clouds falls and only the slopes Gave me hope, is really at the opposite end love comes to me before, but well are these days and so is this day, April 22, the hype on the bed and the lowest and most fun time, although it has extremely wrinkled shirt to be one of those shirts that you should not take never under any circumstances wrinkled, weather-years time, greatly disturb
but this does not depend, at least not for me.
Ah, what nonsense. I have hunger.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Best Office Projector 2010
prosperity and social equity that let Uribe and Santos continues ..... and worse!
The ratio of distribution of national income from 20% of the country's richest and 20% of the poor is the most recognized indicator to measure economic inequality or disparity. Recent World Bank figures show that this indicator as many of the countries with the most unequal income are in Latin America, with Colombia at the head.
The ratio of distribution of national income from 20% of the country's richest and 20% of the poor is the most recognized indicator to measure economic inequality or disparity. Recent World Bank figures show that this indicator as many of the countries with the most unequal income are in Latin America, with Colombia at the head.
In Colombia 20% income of the richest is about 25 times higher than 20% of the poorest. Colombia than in Thailand, one of the most unequal countries in Asia, where the ratio is 15:1.
As this table shows , the closer is the income of the richest to the poorest, more equitable and prosperous is the country. No need to look at the numbers to realize the extreme and shameful economic inequality that exists in Colombia .... That's the legacy Uribe's narco paragobierno, which continues under the government of Santos, and worse go into effect once the free trade agreements with the U.S., Canada and the European Union!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Breaking The Habit Of Binge Eating
The FTA with the United States quickly evaporate blood staining occurred in Uraba banana Chiquita Brands ...
The man who does not know the truth is just an idiot but a man who knows the truth and calls it a lie is a criminal - Bertolt Brecht
Media Alternative, independent of the U.S. are publishing these days interesting articles reflecting diametrically opposed views to those who Big Media pro capitalism and imperialism have been reported in recent days and that the servile national media played prepaid and which sounding without any analysis, under criticism, even about who the authors of the articles or columns and those behind.
Not only columns, complete sections have been devoted to the supposed benefits of the FTA means gringos like Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times , Miami Herald, etc.
Neither seudoperiodistas premises or their correspondents in the U.S. seudoperiodistas have the ability to see that all these articles are usually written by lobbyists hired by the Colombian government itself or by large multinationals interested only beneficiaries of NAFTA. Remember that the drug administration of former President Uribe spent more than $ 300 million in contracts with public relations professionals and lobbyists gringos whose main goal was (and still is, under the government of Santos) play the propaganda that is disseminated within country in relation to the success of Uribe's narco-government and the supposed benefits of NAFTA.
One many articles which have a contrary view to that of the mainstream media today Americans and Colombians pair them published in the news progressive portal under the title "Increase consensus on free trade agreements, together with evidence of its negative effects " . In this article then translate the following excerpts:
"The National Security Archive ( National Security Archive, NSA), an independent research group, released this month a series of documents that reveal disturbing new facts about the relationship between the multinational Chiquita Brands, based in Cincinnati, and the deadly web of paramilitary and guerrilla groups operating in Colombia. The documents reveal internal discussions of the company between 1990 and 2003 regarding funding of paramilitary groups, many of whom have been accused of systematic killings of trade unionists and other activists. The company Chiquita Brands has been defended by stating that payments were the result of extortion, but new documents released by NSA suggest that if the company benefited from the agreements signed with these criminal groups . "
"However, federal research has been conducted on the relationship between the company and the murders that have been able to finance their contributions and was closed. Chiquita achievement in 2007 that the investigation was filed by an agreement to pay $ 25 million in fines, which aims to show that bananas today produces at its plant in Colombia are not stained with blood. It seems that the blood of the fruit evaporates quickly on the occasion of the so-called free trade agreements in Latin America. "
" Besides the free trade agreement with Colombia, Panama's also and South Korea are now moving forward under the illusion of employment generation, which is the Obama campaign strategy to expand U.S. exports. It should be noted that these are treaties to which Obama opposed as a candidate during his campaign. Business Week also reports that Caterpillar company has launched a strong campaign to lobby for the treaty with Colombia as its mining industry is considered one of the most important sectors for the export market for construction equipment. "
Protesters Photo: Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images
"None of the jobs would be generated by these treaties are jobs that pay living wages with dignity, says Kristen Baifus organization Washington Fair Trade Coalition . In the U.S., or South Korea or Colombia, the jobs created are jobs with wages. And if they are generated, these jobs are in the informal sector and among a population to accept poverty wages. For poor people living in so-called treaty partner countries with the U.S., free trade has produced a new era of neocolonialism of exploitation. The deregulation of agriculture under the treaty with Mexico, for example, coincided with the devastation of the agricultural sector of Mexico , which led to the displacement of about one million farmers and the migration of many to North America looking for work. "
"None of the jobs would be generated by these treaties are jobs that pay living wages with dignity, says Kristen Baifus organization Washington Fair Trade Coalition . In the U.S., or South Korea or Colombia, the jobs created are jobs with wages. And if they are generated, these jobs are in the informal sector and among a population to accept poverty wages. For poor people living in so-called treaty partner countries with the U.S., free trade has produced a new era of neocolonialism of exploitation. The deregulation of agriculture under the treaty with Mexico, for example, coincided with the devastation of the agricultural sector of Mexico , which led to the displacement of about one million farmers and the migration of many to North America looking for work. "
" Another example is what happened in El Salvador under the free trade agreement with Central America and Dominican Republic. Small and medium farmers of this country, have seen local markets that they were for rice, corn and other commodities have been flooded and captured by U.S. imports . "
"On the occasion of the recent disclosure of documents by the NSA, the biggest concern about the treaty with Colombia is now focused on labor rights, it is widely known that in this country to protest in favor of workers can be a sentence death. The recent turn of Obama expressing support for the treaty is the result of some measures to protect trade unionists have been incorporated as conditions of the treaty. However, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has strongly criticized both President Obama as President Santos not to include stronger provisions on human rights. At least 51 trade unionists were murdered in 2010, a figure higher than the previous year. "
" According to HRW, although there is sufficient evidence that paramilitary organizations and groups successors are responsible for the vast majority of these crimes, including massacres and rapes, most of the killings have never been investigated. Therefore, labor protection conditions included in the treaty does not address the central issue of the problem: the systematic and ongoing operation of paramilitary groups that are behind most violence and other abuses against trade unionism. "
"The interests of multinationals in the discussion of treaties are also linked with other complex geopolitical factors. South Korea Washington serves as a buffer zone against the North Korean dictatorship, while Colombia is the key ally in the war on drugs in Latin America , where the White House is deploying a strategy similar to what is causing so much devastation in Mexico. "
" The fundamental point is that these treaties free trade are more beyond s rhetoric promises s to generate new jobs and markets. But despite the devastating experience with the treaty with Mexico, Washington still does not adopt a firm position Regulatory fair wages, working conditions and to protect small farmers. By contrast, political opportunists exploit globalization to eliminate trade barriers for multinationals and instead impose barriers that eliminate opportunities for everyone else. " The man who does not know the truth is just an idiot but a man who knows the truth and calls it a lie is a criminal - Bertolt Brecht
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Watch Surveillance Cams
Today I want to thank you who are reading these lines, that in your life, very often you find a time to be here and I can not afford anything, I was thrilled remember that we laughed, we've moved, maybe even cry, but that if, always together. I hope
your eyes will continue to read my words, keep your fingers shaping these comments that one way or another make sense of World Cava.
There is nothing I like more than being in love, love life, every moment, the people that make you happy on the road, and you, the simple act of writing and receiving your comments experiences has left me awesome, just moments that stay within me forever.
smells, tastes, textures and looks I will remember always, kisses, words, smiles that just never cease to amaze.
Whatever happens, you girls are already part of me for the simple fact of sharing an experience, a kiss, I love you and all and each of the just now.
Truly I thank you for being part of this world-Cava, our world, thanks for taking time from your country, from his city, from your home or office to be here and leave a small part of you, thank you for all the affection, confidence and every single detail they have been to me ... THANKS!!
A kiss, a hug and all my love.
Today I want to thank you who are reading these lines, that in your life, very often you find a time to be here and I can not afford anything, I was thrilled remember that we laughed, we've moved, maybe even cry, but that if, always together. I hope
your eyes will continue to read my words, keep your fingers shaping these comments that one way or another make sense of World Cava.
There is nothing I like more than being in love, love life, every moment, the people that make you happy on the road, and you, the simple act of writing and receiving your comments experiences has left me awesome, just moments that stay within me forever.
smells, tastes, textures and looks I will remember always, kisses, words, smiles that just never cease to amaze.
Whatever happens, you girls are already part of me for the simple fact of sharing an experience, a kiss, I love you and all and each of the just now.
Truly I thank you for being part of this world-Cava, our world, thanks for taking time from your country, from his city, from your home or office to be here and leave a small part of you, thank you for all the affection, confidence and every single detail they have been to me ... THANKS!!
A kiss, a hug and all my love.
Come Trovare Driver Lan Hp T3000
We left the station, you rocked me with "Blood Blank" but you can not measure the shaking of the bus, the warmth of your palm on my face. The amount of affection (more than that), healing in a single gesture. And how. That made me perfect in your lap, full in the darkness of the highway in the abundance of wool. And the taste in the hours before the arms and even hit the palate.
We left the station, you rocked me with "Blood Blank" but you can not measure the shaking of the bus, the warmth of your palm on my face. The amount of affection (more than that), healing in a single gesture. And how. That made me perfect in your lap, full in the darkness of the highway in the abundance of wool. And the taste in the hours before the arms and even hit the palate.
Also, do you realize that only changed the color bedspread?
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Knee Braces Open Closed
Security democratic example to the world by the World Bank
Without doubt prepaid media sycophants and knees to the establishment, especially the former government, will not let go unnoticed the "World Development Report 2011, Conflict, Security and Development" (IDM) (WDR, for its acronym in English) published recently by the World Bank.
although overall the report's findings are not encouraging, references to Colombia's experience will surely be seen as an endorsement and validation of the Democratic Security Policy Uribe's narco. Nothing more appropriate for a corrupt and criminal administration that day after day is hit by tsunamis court involving former officials close, virtually all state institutions.
says World Bank ...
"World Development Report presents an analysis of the nature, causes and consequences of violent conflict, as well as from successes and failures in the response, seeking to deepen the debate on measures that can be taken to support to companies that strive to avoid violence and conflict or deal with them. "
"the report asks what drives the risk of violence, why has it been so difficult for conflict prevention and recovery and how can national leaders and partners in development, security and diplomacy to help restore a stable path to development in areas torn by violence and more fragile in the world. The report's central message is that, to end cycles of violence is essential to strengthen institutions and legitimate governance systems so as to ensure public safety, justice and employment. "
Regarding the reference to the Colombian experience, and in line with previous premises, the report includes a section titled "Recovering the Safety in Colombia." Words words unless the reference to Colombia focuses on the success of democratic security policy of the Uribe administration, and play practically all propaganda for 8 years and even now, we have injected all Colombians, who regained control of the territory which was recovered and incentive investment trust, which generated employment, social cohesion was recovered, and so on., etc. Accolades are not surprising in the case of a World Bank report, an economic instrument of American colonialism and that therefore strongly supports the puppet governments gringo government.
That is also why all these bureaucrats alleged studies (wrongly called experts) have not carried out nor any technical rigor, and professional or academic sources of information as limited to government institutions and more directly to interviews with officials and social events that will yield a mediocre homage and adulation bordering on pathetic. For the sample, look at the source that the report includes the end of the section on Colombia (emphasis added):
"Sources: Arboleda 2010, UNODC 2010, World Bank 2010N ; Guerrero 1999; CCAI 2010; WDR team Officials Consultations with Government, Civil Society Representatives, and security personnel in Colombia, 2010; WDR interview with Former President Alvaro Uribe , 2010; WDR team calculations. "
The full report is available only in English but a summary in English of 68 pages you can read here .
find in this summary (page 15) Martha Lucia Ramirez, furibista fan and as a member of the Advisory Council of IDM, a few "contributions" on "Restoring public confidence in the safety of roads in Colombia. " It You forgot to mention this pseudo-expert that travel the roads "modern and more reliable than former narco Uribe left to be subject to the delay, mistreat and hands every 10 km at roadblocks mounted by the police and army (if not by the paras) ... "Vive Colombia, travels through it," says this furibista, is the flagship program of democratic security on the roads.
The full report is a brick of 352 pages that are not worth spending time reviewing it in its entirety. For those who want to have a good x-ray the same need to read the article published by The Economist .
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Herpes Outbreak During First Trimester
* You met my heel right toe back, and I do not think
I need much more Than That.
Abrígame these hands and please do not let there be light or stop and let me in your chest, sleep. For each evening purgative stubborn calves, one morning (and all the fires). Recógete, Seal me face.
* You met my heel right toe back, and I do not think
I need much more Than That.
Return, return, return to our beds.
But these fingers numb.
Milena Velba And Cleaner
of Uribe El Cartel: Thugs factory
That pathetic contradiction, which only confirms how cynical, pathetic and criminals are all members of this criminal cartel.
Apologies pathetic and clumsy children of narco former President Uribe about his relations with known criminals should produce national repudiation of his acquittal rather social.
Every time it comes to the fore a new case on their business and friendships with people from the world of crime, these dolphins thugs recite the same crude verbiage to justify the unjustifiable That if met, or met, or did business with these individuals but by that time all were "honorees and spotless"!
Given the extensive criminal record of criminal activity and corruption inherited and learned from his father, grandfather, uncles, cousins, etc., The explanation given by the pair of thugs is more logical but if you read in the opposite direction. This means that all these subjects did not become thugs until when they met and did business with the sign of the Uribe. Specific cases that demonstrate this effect of Uribe's putrefactor there in droves, but perhaps the most representative are the following:
- former DAS director Noguera, who before being processed by working directly with paramilitaries, provide lists of people who were then killed and spikes all over the world, was one of the good guys from the narco former President Uribe;
- Alias \u200b\u200b Job, who had free entry to the Casa de Nari;
- The Nule, who before exploded hiring carousel were young talented and enterprising and hence had no problems entering the house freely Nari or meeting in Panama with the Uribe brothers;
- David Murcia, who only months before being extradited to the United States received letters of congratulation by the narco own former president for his entrepreneurship;
- And most recently, aka Nacho, extradited to the U.S. but who, according to Uribe brothers "both Mr. Rodriguez and his family an excellent reputation preceded them, which can corroborate distinguished people in society Samaria, between including the current mayor of the city " ... ... ... ... what This proves my point that it was they who turned gangster!
These criminals, even when they are being brought to justice and while not involving anyone Poster Uribe, remain "good kids" or "blameless entrepreneurs", but when they open their mouths, everything changes ! Once they are reported, the counter's pathetic clan Uribe is that "the country can not believe them to criminals who only seek revenge against narco former President because" his government fought them and gave them to justice or extradite them to U.S.. "
That pathetic contradiction, which only confirms how cynical, pathetic and criminals are all members of this criminal cartel.
Conclusion: Alias \u200b\u200bNacho, the above characters and many other countless criminals were some employers defenseless lambs and unblemished before interacting with the sign of the Uribe!
Monday, April 11, 2011
What To Write For Someone Who Had Baby
Actual military spending in Colombia
The following is a summary of the latest report published by the SIPRI military expenditure on of all countries, which has been tabulated and summarized the data for the Americas for period0 2000 to 2010. The full report presents figures in various formats and covers the period from 1998 to 2010.
The following is a summary of the latest report published by the SIPRI military expenditure on of all countries, which has been tabulated and summarized the data for the Americas for period0 2000 to 2010. The full report presents figures in various formats and covers the period from 1998 to 2010.
would be good citizens who denounce the arms of the Chavez government, but especially the government officials who go on pilgrimage to kneel before the ambassador gringo to ask them provide more tools and resources to address the alleged / imminent invasion of Colombia from Venezuela, devote at least a few seconds to review figures before making a fool go to the embassy, \u200b\u200bor to present public opinion figures do not correspond with reality.
would realize that the Colombian military expenditure is the second highest in the Americas being surpassed only by the empire gringo. With respect to Venezuela, Colombia military spending as a percentage of GDP is nearly triple. It is free rates of unemployment and poverty / misery in Colombia are far higher than those of Venezuela !
Add caption |
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Pubic Hair Makes My Skin Dark
Wikileaks: The Israeli mercenaries hired by Santos ..... If, Juan Manuel Santos, Colombia's current president! Map
not satisfied with the help of the Americans to terrorize the Colombian people, the former narco-for-President Uribe signed contracts for the supply of war equipment and military intervention in internal conflict with Israeli mercenary companies owned by retired generals of the country. This was revealed by one of the recent cables Wikileaks leaked by diplomats, sent by former Ambassador Brownfield in December 2009 and classified as "Secret."
According to the account of former Ambassador Brownfield, initial contact and signature of the contract was made today by President Santos (then Minister of Defence) with the Israeli firm whose Global CST owner was retired Israeli General Yisrael Ziv. The contract included the supply of unmanned aerial vehicles (in English: UAVs - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), implementation of strategies of war against the FARC, and even a threat assessment which may represent the governments of Venezuela and Ecuador.
The consolidation of the purchase of equipment by the Colombian government was entrusted to the general Padilla, but according to the cable, the arrival of Silva the Minister of Defense, as well as a possible conflict of interest Israeli firm, produced fluctuations in the execution of the contract, to the point that Silva ordered suspension. Former Ambassador Brownfield described in the cable mentioned that General Naranjo (accountable again!) Informed him that the Israeli company was also trying to do business with the governments of Peru and Panama, but already warned the government of Panama (which would do the same with Peru if asked) because the relationship of the CST Global National Police had been a "disaster."
Ambassador Brownfield's cable also includes comments from senior officials in relation to the concerns aroused by sharing intelligence information with a private firm. In this regard, in February 2008 the national police had informed the interpreter of Global CST, the Argentine-Israeli Shai Killman, had tried to copy documents Classified Defense Ministry with the intention to sell to the FARC.
Apparently, this number of concerns were those that led to the Minister Silva will back negotiations and was advancing the general Padilla intended to consolidate the purchase of UAVs.
Comment: Since the contract between the Ministry of Defense (Santos being the minister) and Global CST was signed in 2006, at the time of issuance of the diplomatic cable (2009), it is understood that mercenary activities and espionage against Venezuela and Ecuador had already been implemented for 3 years.
The cable refers to the contract with Global CST took place within what Uribe's narco implemented, initially under the name "strategic leap", but later was renamed as "National Plan of Consolidation."
But concerns were expressed not only by Naranjo and senior officials of the Uribe government drug. Read below for accurate translation of what the ambassador Brownfield writes as a corollary of cable:
"Over a period of 3 years, Ziv gained the trust of former Defense Minister Santos promised a cheaper version of the assistance provided by the U.S. government and without conditions attached. We and the government of Colombia CST learned that Global had no experience in Latin America and that his proposal seemed designed more to promote the sale of equipment and services to satisfy Israeli that the internal needs of Colombia. Global CST was not transparent to us, and try to meddle in our discussions, classified under the government of Colombia. Given the experience of the government of Colombia with Global CST, not surprising the Minister of Defence this leaning back and warning the neighbors that their businesses are not as good as they are advertised "
Comment ours: this like all diplomatic cables that have known so far show the ease with which the government Gringo learns everything happening within the Colombian government, even the disagreements between senior officials in, and without any effort of their own intelligence agencies (as they do in the most other countries) since all the information they receive in their own mouth embassy officials are frequently to account (with Naranjo to the head) as if they were their own agents.
The other aspect that is derived from this cable today is the role of President Santos in the recruitment of mercenaries Israelis, and so blatant that even was careful to limit their actions that did not conflict with terrorist activities executed gringo mercenaries. Gringo ambassador himself expressed discomfort about it!
Title For Paper Towel Science Project
. I learned to love ...!¡!
Two lonely that's what we were, two lonely wandering through life, each with their luggage in tow, luggage filled with joys, disappointments, of sadness and hard experience.
know if it was not life, destiny, or maybe just a magical coincidence that one day managed to cross our paths, then we realized that we were not alone and decided to share our experiences, our love, our time, our hopes , our joys, our sorrows and our dreams.
We all learned from each other, respecting, supporting, comforting, encouraging and that's how the magic was born between two and bare our souls were facing each other and show us as we are no lies, no hypocrisy, no assumptions, or deception.
romantics, dreamers, lovers of life and respect, we started looking in the same direction, towards the same horizon, our ties were unshakable and become two souls inhabiting one body, two hearts beating in unison, thinking, feeling, wishing, wondering, needing, loving.
Today this term is not even that I'm not even sure you know why, perhaps life, destiny, or that magical coincidence that one day we joined, today decided to walk away and we did not do anything to stop .
Today, we are again two solitary, two lonely wandering through life, each with their luggage in tow, luggage full of joys, disappointments, sorrows and harsh experiences.
Two lonely that's what we were, two lonely wandering through life, each with their luggage in tow, luggage filled with joys, disappointments, of sadness and hard experience.
know if it was not life, destiny, or maybe just a magical coincidence that one day managed to cross our paths, then we realized that we were not alone and decided to share our experiences, our love, our time, our hopes , our joys, our sorrows and our dreams.
We all learned from each other, respecting, supporting, comforting, encouraging and that's how the magic was born between two and bare our souls were facing each other and show us as we are no lies, no hypocrisy, no assumptions, or deception.
romantics, dreamers, lovers of life and respect, we started looking in the same direction, towards the same horizon, our ties were unshakable and become two souls inhabiting one body, two hearts beating in unison, thinking, feeling, wishing, wondering, needing, loving.
Today this term is not even that I'm not even sure you know why, perhaps life, destiny, or that magical coincidence that one day we joined, today decided to walk away and we did not do anything to stop .
Today, we are again two solitary, two lonely wandering through life, each with their luggage in tow, luggage full of joys, disappointments, sorrows and harsh experiences.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Ingredients In Rimmel Fix And Perfect Primer
This need for photosynthesis, because perhaps as they say, these lights affect too. Who did not observe? Or even dare to move too.
This need for photosynthesis, because perhaps as they say, these lights affect too. Who did not observe? Or even dare to move too.
Being who is without beginning and without respite. These spaces infinitesimal irrevocable (in light).
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Emerson™ Digital Camera Binoculars Manual
One day you find it, the heart is awakened and gradually feel you do not control, time passes and something is growing inside you, you want more, you realize that life is so you can not ask, just enjoy what you have and appreciate what they give you, but you still want more.
pass during the days turn into months and you feel it is huge, then come the fears and selfishness of wanting him every minute in your hands, but you know you should not be so, that's not love.
Valoras and you realize, that is with you all he can and he shares his time with the same enthusiasm as you, but when it moves away, the question arises again, you think you will break your heart, you may not feel like you, maybe he will leave and perhaps you should have prepared for that day and not give so much of yourself.
then understand why what you have will always be with you, your life you can not control and so come back and find it again at your side, just as when he left a few days before, then share thousands of beautiful, fun and just moments, moments that are already anchored in your soul forever, inside you and you realize that's the only thing you control, which really belongs to you, that's your time, you never go away.
Share those moments is what matters, what gives meaning to everything.
is when you realize you have learned to love.
I love you ...!!
One day you find it, the heart is awakened and gradually feel you do not control, time passes and something is growing inside you, you want more, you realize that life is so you can not ask, just enjoy what you have and appreciate what they give you, but you still want more.
pass during the days turn into months and you feel it is huge, then come the fears and selfishness of wanting him every minute in your hands, but you know you should not be so, that's not love.
Valoras and you realize, that is with you all he can and he shares his time with the same enthusiasm as you, but when it moves away, the question arises again, you think you will break your heart, you may not feel like you, maybe he will leave and perhaps you should have prepared for that day and not give so much of yourself.
then understand why what you have will always be with you, your life you can not control and so come back and find it again at your side, just as when he left a few days before, then share thousands of beautiful, fun and just moments, moments that are already anchored in your soul forever, inside you and you realize that's the only thing you control, which really belongs to you, that's your time, you never go away.
Share those moments is what matters, what gives meaning to everything.
is when you realize you have learned to love.
I love you ...!!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Exposure To Stomach Virus
The height of subservience and submission to the Colombian press, Uribe's break even abroad!
Via twitter, journalists who follow the drug millimeter former President Uribe (even when going to the bathroom) complain that in a recent speech in Washington the aforesaid banned you ask questions, and anyway who "dare" to ask them grabbed the microphone.
The first thing to say is that the silence of the press, and all the media in general, reflects the face of such a submission and subservience to ends narco former president. Fact that in any serious country would pull together the media in a single voice of condemnation and protest. It is not hard to imagine the immediate reaction of gringos means if Obama had done the same during their speeches on his recent trip to Latin America!.
As for the journalists involved in the accident, if the obsessive monitoring they do to the narco former president is to exploit any space and opportunity to ask awkward questions you have to ask and this avoids answering within the country (false positives, disappearances, DAS pikes, etc.), then your reaction to such abuse should have been totally opposed , not only because of censorship in itself but for the bold move to take away their microphones. Instead of just complaining for trills send the abuse so they had to do is get up in protest, not turning the microphones and ask questions anyway, so the narco former president had not responded, or had done with insults is usual with him.
But if on the contrary, the continual monitoring they do to the drug which former president is just lapdogs to echo all the verbiage, lies and cynical statements which everywhere Well you have earned his master's abuse, as he did as president to the ministers in the community councils.
The other question for Colombian journalists in general is: what is newsworthy to follow every step of the drug if the former president has nothing other than to repeat and repeat his verbiage is "a man untainted" that "fought the criminals" and left the country in peace and prosperity on the three eggs its platform parapolitics "democratic security, investment trust and cohesion social ".
Why that servility and unhealthy fixation with the narco former president? there not even other living former presidents, who at least did not say such nonsense, lies and inconsistencies? If they want to be close to a former president, because more often interview Belisario Betancourt, for example. This at least share with you issues of culture, art, books. O at the same Samper, or Gaviria, who so least have a more coherent discourse on national and international problems.
This pathetic lamboneria with Uribe and bordering on servility and stupidity ends, plus it puts them in a position of complacency and complicity with his lies and corrupt and criminal actions.
That the national media treat you as the holder of news until the stupid, poorly written and incoherent trills narco former president writes well on the end line of ridiculousness!.
Maytag Pav3360 Aww Spin
'd like to touch you, But I've forgoten how.
not cry not because I wrap these leaves. If the song that strip, but both peat and frightening. You could shake but can not stand any song in other ears than double, dark, or yours anyway. Hidden touch it after the disaster, tenacious following the path that could or could not make their banks more than dust.
This powder that breaks in the tabs.
be worthy not for rain. But we need this rain? A brief break because of the drops are more subtle to be uncertain. Neither wind nor crying adverse river. The increasingly scrambled objects, and claws that would not be in the agreement.
'd like to touch you, But I've forgoten how.
not cry not because I wrap these leaves. If the song that strip, but both peat and frightening. You could shake but can not stand any song in other ears than double, dark, or yours anyway. Hidden touch it after the disaster, tenacious following the path that could or could not make their banks more than dust.
This powder that breaks in the tabs.
be worthy not for rain. But we need this rain? A brief break because of the drops are more subtle to be uncertain. Neither wind nor crying adverse river. The increasingly scrambled objects, and claws that would not be in the agreement.
Friday, April 1, 2011
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Press Release on Possible Immunity for Uribe from Plaintiff's Lawyer
The following is from Terry Collingsworth, the plaintiff’s lawyer in the Drummond case. Here is the original PDF. This is the only statement he will make regarding Uribe’s immunity.
Original posted at
Image via Wikipedia
The following is from Terry Collingsworth, the plaintiff’s lawyer in the Drummond case. Here is the original PDF. This is the only statement he will make regarding Uribe’s immunity.
Conrad & Scherer
Attorneys at Law
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida • Washington, DC • Quito, Ecuador
Attorneys at Law
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida • Washington, DC • Quito, Ecuador
In response to a Statement of Interest (attached) filed March 31, 2011 by the U.S. Department of Justice on the issue of the scope of immunity that should be provided to former President of Colombia, Alvaro Uribe, Terry Collingsworth of Conrad & Scherer, LLP, lead counsel for the Plaintiffs in the Drummond case who seek to depose Uribe, issued the following statement:
It is premature to comment extensively on the issue at this time because there has not yet been a decision by the Court. The “Statement of Interest” issued by the U.S. government is merely that, and it remains for the Court to determine the precise contours of any immunity to be extended to Uribe, and the timing and scope of any deposition to be taken of Uribe.
With that said, the Plaintiffs in the Drummond case are encouraged by the Statement of Interest for two reasons. First, the U.S. government is clear that the law does not permit blanket immunity for Uribe as a former head of state. At most Uribe may be extended immunity for any “official acts” taken as President of Colombia. The law is clear, and the U.S. government’s distinction recognizes, that to the extent that Mr. Uribe directed or encouraged or abetted violations of the law of nations, including war crimes and extrajudicial killings, these illegal acts can never be classified as “official acts. ” Since Plaintiffs’ allege that Uribe did collaborate extensively with the same AUC terrorists who executed their relatives, the details of his relationship with and assistance to the AUC is outside of any possible immunity.
Second, the U.S. government acknowledges that the Plaintiffs likely may be able to obtain some of the evidence they need from other sources in Colombia, and asks the Court to require Plaintiffs to first attempt do so before seeking the evidence from Uribe. Plaintiffs are hopeful that this means the U.S. government will use its considerable influence with the Colombian government to obtain the cooperation of Colombian officials in allowing Plaintiffs to gather that evidence in Colombia. The trial Court in the Drummond action has recently issued Letters Rogatory to the Colombian government seeking its cooperation in allowing the depositions of numerous witnesses in Colombia. Whether these depositions occur is largely within the discretion of the current Colombian government. The Drummond Plaintiffs sincerely hope that the new administration of President Santos provides the cooperation needed to get the facts in this important human rights case. Not only will this assist in getting to the truth, it will also show that Colombia has turned a major page in its bloody history and seeks to demonstrate to the world that it respects the rule of law and can be trusted to keep its international commitments to respect human rights.
Established 1974
Rex Conrad 1935-1999 • William Scherer
Conrad & Scherer, LLP • 1156 15th St. NW, Suite 502, Washington, DC 20005
Phone 202.543.4001 • Fax 1.866.803.1125
Rex Conrad 1935-1999 • William Scherer
Conrad & Scherer, LLP • 1156 15th St. NW, Suite 502, Washington, DC 20005
Phone 202.543.4001 • Fax 1.866.803.1125
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