seems that this year had tried to be part of my joy, part of me, my life and sometimes I succeed, I could never find me, I could never be me, hit me this year , did not care that they were dirty beats, bass, beat me all the time, never got tired but I never won, but at the moment, I just have a bit of force to expect that 2010 will fence with all their memories, never to return.
In my house there will be no tree for the holidays, but in my heart and in this, there will be no lights or areas, only the names will hang my dearest friends, friends, family, people I love, those living near and those who live far away, the old and new, who I see every day and I see only occasionally, which I always remember and sometimes I do not see, who have forgotten, those who believe in me and support me, to those who still believe in me forget to support, who reproached me they do not see and did not see because they were not passing very well, which I understood at all times and those who believed they would leave.
I want this Christmas tree takes root, but they are so deep and strong that they can not pull them out of my heart, that their branches extend in all directions possible to hang the new names next year and already feel safe in, until they own free will because I want to leave never take anyone by my side this who wants to be. Welcome
2011, will receive you with strength, light, longing, passion, joy, heart, with a huge illusion, smiling, living, dreaming, singing, loving as ever, as today, as always and forever , that the time has come, my time in all respects, in every way and I'm ready ...!! Happy 2011
A kiss a hug and all my love.
Carlos "Cava" Varela.
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