History and facts show that in the free trade between third world and developed the balance of benefits always leans toward the latter. And if this balance of power exists between gringo imperial government and their backyards, the supposed benefits of free trade just come and enjoy the negotiators of the treaty, a tiny minority of employers (usually local partners of multinationals gringo) and of course, the traditional political and economic elites gringo who earn more support in exchange for ensuring the maintenance of the advantages, privileges and impunity for multinationals.
In the case of the FTA with Colombia, minimally informed anyone can refute the fact that the only beneficiary is the United States, more specifically, its corporations, its subsidized agribusiness and many other industries. Nor can refute the reasons given by the Americans to explain the delay in ratification by the Congress are concerns about the violation of DH, or the protection of union leaders and labor rights, but internal political bickering between Republicans and Democrats which will soon be obsolete because they know that, given the critical moments that crosses its economy to a market flooded with products they can not miss.
But what is shameful is that Colombians are supporting the FTA (a large majority in more shame) those who criticize the president over Obama for the delay in ratifying the treaty. Even U.S. citizens and their own multinationals do so with such fervor and perseverance as Colombians.
This surprising fact suggests that, leaving aside a few "entrepreneurs" and traditional political and economic elites undoubtedly receive many economic benefits, the rest of the Colombian godarria, or it is totally ignorant of their negative impacts , or are part of the vast majority of Colombians who want to look like self-promotion by both the Americans who have developed a sense of "patriotism" pro gringo so high that leads them to defend the imperialist interests with more fervor than Americans themselves.
Read below some of the statements of different representatives of the political and economic sectors and draw their own conclusions.
"The truth is that the FTA is very tangled and Obama can not go to Colombia to answer a question against which no answer" ; said Mauricio Cardenas, director of the Americas Program at the Brookings Institute.
"Obama's speech left me with distaste, president of the Andi said.
The sweetness is that we are back in the state of the union, the bitterness is coming back to invest the issue of priorities, speaking first in Korea and then to Panama and Colombia, turn to be the end of the line ", Villegas said.
Meanwhile, the Yankees without any fussiness and clearly express their desire for the treaty, but because their subsidized farmers are losing the opportunity to flood the Colombian market with products that were previously produced in their fields, even in amounts up to export. For the sample consider the following reasons given by representatives gringos (emphasis added):
"Es decepcionante al extremo que el Presidente no haya fijado un cronograma para la aprobación de los tratados con Colombia y Panamá, que se firmaron hace más de tres años y medio. El retraso ha sido costoso para nuestros agricultores y empresarios que están perdiendo negocios frente a otros que sí han firmado acuerdos con estos mercados , dice el senador Max Baucus, el demócrata de más alto rango en la Comisión de Finanzas”.
"Infortunadamente la administración no está empujando de a productive way FTAs \u200b\u200bwith Colombia and Panama . hope that the president give us a schedule (when you think about sending) said Dave Camp, president of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, responsible for managing trade issues.
" also presented a report which concluded that the absence an FTA with Colombia will has cost to EE. UU. more than $ 700 million, mainly due to the fall in exports of wheat and soybeans . "
" The report says that Argentina and Brazil have robbed U.S.. UU. much of the Colombian market for corn, wheat and soybeans . Representatives agricultural associations, manufacturers and big companies like FedEx and Metlife were invited as witnesses to hearing and said that their industries are losing each day that goes by that the FTA will be ratified. "
My conclusion: this country definitely is full of pathetic, stupid, servile dragged off the gringos and traitors!