"Many humans, can they all are media beings who, deprived of something they need to seek other being completed has that something and incomplete in turn, can be supplemented in interaction, in the previous marriage may well be an example of this incompleteness that seeks complete and completion is another person, and of the opposite sex. But if there is no perfect marriage between the protagonists of the farce, there may be something that looks like adultery, as carried by the urgent momentum, husband and wife seek and find what they are missing out on each other: he, Paul, Margaret, and she, Lucy, in Fidel, a friend of her husband's funeral. But if we off on adultery, which is not consumed, nor even hints- spoil the ambitious intention of the work, which is a little further erotic theme. "" The incompleteness of human unhappiness and produces what is sought with the other half may need is happiness, a result of the completion: "Everyone would be happy if left completed by others and content with being loved middle, drained of much of its violence." Pity, compassion, tenderness to these people moving on stage is what its creator calls because, ultimately, its history, although not believe so, coincides with ours. "
José María Martínez Cachero, "Valentín Andrés, narrative and drama", Revista Asturiana de Economía , No. 39-49, 2007, p. 65
(Viva Gomez de la Serna)
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