Sunday, February 13, 2011

Red Wire Changes To Black

releases held by the FARC and the reactions of Santos

unfortunate not to say pathetic, statements of Santos on the occasion of the release of Councilman Armando Acuna because out of the mountains in a dress and tie.

That seriousness and trust can provide a government for a political negotiation with the guerrillas when he publicly condemned, not only the FARC, kidnapped but released himself for the heinous crime of returning to freedom decently dressed, smiling and hopeful that with these recent releases open paths of peace.

It seems that if the images releases, that is, the faces, clothing and statements released, do not fit the script of the propaganda with which they bombarded the public, the FARC's unilateral gesture is nothing more than a show media "(a term which in Colombia is now heard even in churches).

To be consistent with that script of the official propaganda, designed to avoid any political negotiation process, all held by the FARC are to return to freedom dragging chains, physically emaciated as if they had been fed, sick, and talk shit from their captors, ... conditions under which the official machinery would have you believe the people of Colombia that the FARC keep all retained.

the apparent contradiction does not matter when it mounts the media show the government itself, as in the case of the check operation in which the appearance of Ingrid Betacourt as fresh out of room Beauty did not produced the slightest comment.

The perversity of the statements of Santos has consequences. Because such statements are precisely the official fuel violence and contempt for life and freedom that occur in the vast majority of Colombians. Hence the reactions of many Colombians as calling the council Acuña ally of the guerrillas, many even calling social media like facebook and twitter, his assassination, the shivers.

reactions that are repeated and repeated. It is not but recall the case of Corporal Moncayo and his family, for daring to question the silence and indolence of the narco-para-Uribe government with all the hostages and say that the only solution to conflict is a political negotiation have been threatened with death to the point of forcing them to seek asylum.

not spoil the excitement by Piedad Cordoba, but what peace there may be hope in a country with so vile and sick people, whose ideas and evil thoughts are fed and promoted daily by official establishment itself.

If only setting out to condemn and prompted swift action by the judicial authorities and police in criminal actions against the paramilitaries have been executed in recent months, perhaps his speech no would be so contradictory and so dangerous.

The scandalous crime figures, massacres, disappearances and executions of innocent Colombians by the paramilitary wing of the establishment today Alfredo Molano reminds us in his column in El Espectador , it appears that do not apply to the government of Santos and power in the shadow of the narco-para-Uribe.

Addendum February 15th:

As we anticipated, the Santos administration would take the first opportunity to prevent the release of detainees continue. Under the pretext that the FARC did not meet the program releases Piedad Cordoba as he had announced, now it is the government that he feels "rabbit." Not a minute of waiting to know the reasons for the failure of the FARC, among others, could have been information that were not complying with the conditions of suspension of all military operations, and even if that not valid reason, at last, after all, the release was a unilateral gesture by the FARC, and the rabbit on the side of the FARC does not appear anywhere. If, on the side of the Santos administration, which pushed for the narco-para-Uribe, was waiting for the first pretext to suspend the process and take a propaganda film ever, .... that the FARC made rabbit country.

Nothing more distorted and evil against the hopes and expectations that were created for the relatives of the hostages that were announced were to be released. Nothing more gross, despicable and treacherous with humanitarian efforts of Piedad Cordoba, who is again attacked and presented as an agent of the FARC.

Nobody sees that the only real fact is that the Santos administration has no genuine interest in working for peace in Colombia. There are three indisputable facts underlying this statement: Santos was minister of the narco-para-Uribe, Santos was elected by the narco-para-Uribe, and the congress of the republic is controlled by the narco-para-Uribe.

not get your hopes up. Santos, not because they touch but that's also its ideology, will continue with the policies militaristic, warmongering and implemented by the narco-terrorists-for-Uribe. In the language and propaganda used by the establishment to keep the people deceived and oppressed the three elements have been euphemistically christened democratic security, social cohesion and investor confidence.

Awaken!, Narco-para-Uribe is still ruling (ie, destroying) the country


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