is not taught to swim a dog, the dog usually instinctive mind no mind, it is to get you like the water, enjoy, have fun and stay it effortlessly. Only you can train the dog well in water if this access with satisfaction to the water and, unfortunately, do not get all the dogs like it. So there you start gradually led him by the bank where it does not cover, if necessary digging a prompt them before him, looking for another dog a good swimmer to exert the effect stamping, etc, but we must never do is soak it all at once, not worth a lot of us get a dog to swim when you do not like it.
Some dogs get nervous on her first day of water and tend to swim vertically, in this case the owner should not mess with the water and hold it by the gut to suits the dog .... They learn quickly.
Another precaution is essential to ensure an easy passage of water, which is extremely important if swimming in a pool and more to whether the dog is not accustomed to water and you get nervous. In a few sessions can be viewed as the swimming style is much more fluid and without apparent effort, motor skills improved quickly, even in dogs in the early days were heavy and swimming to "force" the confidence in the water is the main factor, once it is made even easier to teach the dog to dive and pick up objects from the background.
energy consumption and heat loss.
cold environments increase basal metabolism because your body has to expend energy to maintain body temperature. The body increases its metabolism under the influence of cold, therefore
exercise into the water increases the energy consumption per unit of time being used up more calories to the same intensity of dry periods.
Under normal conditions, the horn needs to generate two or three times hotter than air at equal temperature. Precisely why the body loses 75 per 100 plus heat in the water than in air, even if the ambient temperature was as high as 30 degrees or more.
radiation and evaporation are the main mechanisms loss of heat in the air trembled in the sign wrong of defense against the cold, can be given instant food containing glucose.
popularly called hypothermia << Golpe de calor>> but is even more dangerous.
Effects on the heart and circulatory system.
in water requires a lower heart rate up to 13 per 100 than equivalent efforts on the ground. This is possible because it encourages the flow of blood to the heart, which not only dissipates heat better than air, but
peripheral vasoconstriction increases blood flow to the heart, likewise increasing the cardiac output and for that reason, decreases heart rate. But despite decreased heartbeat horn, the body transports more oxygenated blood per beat corresponding to the skeletal muscles. Thus, although the body to work with equal efficacy and contribution by the same amount of oxygen that buries the average heart rate is
seventeen beats lower than would correspond. In addition, we must consider that the dog's heart work on terms more favorable than that of humans by the body's horizontal position, which does not require him to fight both with the force of gravity as if he were in the standing position.
swimming, Lung Capacity and Widening Chest.
In general, the volume and lung capacity are little changed with training, even if it is aerobic, the exception is swimming. Vital capacity (amount of air can be expelled after making a forced inspiration after emptying the lungs) increases slightly in land athletes and rather more in swimmers. At the same time, residual volume (the amount of air always remains in the lungs), down slightly and the changes in these two volumes are related. The total lung capacity remains almost unchanged except, as stated above, in swimmers. After sufficient time to adapt to training in water, the volume rocker (the amount that enters enters lungs during breathing), no variation at rest and only seems to increase when the intensity of exercise required.
Dogs and all mammals carry air to the lungs through a process called pressure breathing <
the> is based on the principle that a vacuum, even partial, can not exist in nature. The thorax is expanded by a purely mechanical movement ribs out using the diaphragm and muscles
inspires mixed, as would a bellows, that means that, when the thoracic cavity and therefore the lungs, a confined space, creating a gap partial lower atmospheric pressure in the lungs that has to
automatically fill with air to equalize pressure. The expiration is also done by the mechanical action of thoracic expiratory muscles and diaphragm.
not forget that oxygen consumption is greater in the swimming
in other sports activities. The maximum oxygen consumption increases with training
swimming to increase lung volume. Resistance training ground
strengthens inspiratory and expiratory muscles. in
change in the water this strengthening is more pronounced in inspiring
that on expiry. The dog is trained vital capacity (VC)
10 or 15 per 100 by 100 above what would be normal in a sedentary dog.
With constant practice of swimming in the dog and young puppy
can reach values \u200b\u200bhigher than 40 per 100 when it comes to adult.
The amplitude of breathing or moving volume depends on the different activities depending on the difference
drive-eject active components
chest muscle and the diaphragm. The diaphragm muscle dome set in vertical
behind the lungs, causes the piston to facilitate pumping. Born of the sternum, ribs and the first
lumbar vertebrae and divides the chest from the abdomen
isolating him and cast him back to get more volume, respiratory muscle
par excellence. The difference between inspiration and expiration are
maximum vital capacity, a fact that in but has a value relative
and that is intimately related to the size and weight,
conditioned by race, and training.
The increase in vital capacity, which is real is partly the result of increased
the power and size of the muscles responsible for breathing
relaxed and move the rib cage and not used as intensively
for other types of aerobic exercises that require much oxygen phenomenon.
Since the water volume of air remaining in the lungs during exhalation
must be greater than on land for
promote buoyancy, meaning that the dog can not expel as much air
in water and dry, this must supply more trying
<> lungs. This effort led to an increase of peak flow
Hydrodynamics is understood by analyzing the action of two opposite forces. One of them tends to stop
, water resistance is the force that drives him forward
to overcome this resistance is propulsion. There Three types of resistance
wake. For us in relation to the subject we are dealing
, but it is important first because the others do not affect breast development and improvements in respiratory and also can not be modified with training. Lateral friction is what makes swimmers
to minimize, to shave the body. In the dog may have some influence against the long-haired dogs and for the short hair. But in both cases, the importance would be minimal.
source: http://troncopit.activoforo.com
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