Author: Daniel Soriano
I have an AST and to be classified as dangerous race like the APBT, when quote to this, in some cases also put in place my dog \u200b\u200bin such discrimination, so I put this text here.
Before looking in detail the statistics, it is worth noting the study in this respect by the hospital's pediatric team Juan Canalejo, La Coruna in Spain. The study consisted of recording all the details of the children treated in the emergency room for dog bites. The first conclusion from this study is that the dog breeds that have hung the label of "dangerous" breeds are no more attacks occur, but the German Shepherd, is the race that is headed in this macabre study, enough difference in respect to the next race. The German Shepherd breed is also the most protected by politicians and more advocated by those who created the label "dangerous" to other breeds, so confusing to citizens and ensure the dominance in popularity and sales of German Shepherd dominance it had lost to just a few years in favor of all races classified as "dangerous."
The most important conclusion of this study were the team of pediatricians, is that we must educate many dog \u200b\u200bowners rather than the dog.
Statistics collected in December 1998 the last ten years. There were twelve deaths from dog attacks and were as follows:
- 9 deaths caused by German Shepherds.
- 1 death produced by crossing a German Shepherd.
- 1 death by a Rottweiler.
- 1 death caused by a Pointer.
After seeing these statistics, it seems incredible that the French Government has banned exclusively breeding American Pit Bull Terrier throughout its national territory, when not only the APBT has not caused a single death, but it not even a dog of this breed has been only one assault. According to these statistics, the French government in banning the breeding of any breed, it would have been without any doubt the German Shepherd. This demonstrates how the advice from those who run the country cinofilia those who govern, is always focused on defending the interests of their respective races, which have been superseded by the more privileged in terms of popularity and sales referred by Neither the APBT We want to be misinterpreted, because if the French Government had taken action against the German Shepherd, our Federation had been the first to complain.
In just one year, specifically in 1985, five people lost their lives in this country for dog attacks. The five deaths were caused by German Shepherds.
Hessen is a town in northwest Germany, where the police of this town has implemented a dog attack statistics to people across the country. These statistics were made from January 1 de1995 until 31 December 1997, three full years.
These statistics show that in these three years there was only one death, caused by German Shepherd. Also produced were 16 serious attacks by German Shepherd crosses, 10 serious attacks Pure German Shepherd, Rottweiler 3 severe attacks and a severe attack by the following breeds: Golden Retriever, Siberian Husky, Cocker, Dogo German, etc. The American Pit Bull Terrier does not assaulted anyone, considering that at that time there were thousands of APBT in Germany.
But today in Germany, has banned the possession to the fans of American Pit Bull Terrier and 27 races. As there, although the German Shepherd breed is the most assaults and kills the most people, is the race that benefits most from all these prohibitions, in particular those that benefit most from the bans, precisely those who advised the German Government to implement such bans, which have many interests of all types in the German Shepherd and greatly resented the American Pit Bull Terrier and those 27 races had been overtaken in popularity and sales to your favorite breed, German Shepherd. After looking at the statistics of Germany, reveals everything from the Federation have been denouncing.
As a curious note and to expose the great amount of interest and unknowns, which move in banning some or other breeds without any zootechnical rigor, we must condemn that in those 28 breeds of dogs that have been banned the German Government, are not including breeds such as the Rottweiler or Doberman, they are indigenous breeds of Germany and not going to hurt at any time, and these races are always on the lists of dogs as "dangerous" in those localities ignorant of the matter canine, that there should be no resort to such racist discrimination, because if the dogs are racist, so are the humans. What do these Germans want today with our beloved dogs, another holocaust but the dog track?. Please do not be so shameless and respect the most fundamental right, that of life.
Since 1991, the media informed us of 17 human deaths caused by dog \u200b\u200bbreeds mentioned interested them most, for reasons of gaining audience (money), which reflect on the bottom of this paragraph, considering that the first six fatalities, or five produced by German Shepherds and death caused by Cocker, we got the news in the Federation by individuals who told us the news, since these in turn learned by local newspapers in his district, and such news did not go to their respective municipalities. This attitude, that of the national media, made the society English believe that the breeds of dogs that they mentioned as the cause of death to persons, were the only breeds responsible for dog attacks on people. This belief spread popular in Spain so that for electoral reasons I derive the establishment by the Government to an unjust law, such as deleting all those dangerous dogs from eight breeds. On August 16, 2004, the International Federation of the APBT, we heard from English Television (BBC1), which since 1991 in Spain have been 165 deaths of people and not 17 as we understood, and understood exactly by various media. Who is to protect and who we wish to eliminate in a dirty bastard?.
- 5 deaths caused by German Shepherds, (The last was in 2000 in the midst of social unrest, when a girl was treated at the Hospital Materno Infantil de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the wounds caused by a Pastor German and nobody knows it, in fact, we have learned from this attack in 2003, because only draw in the media that interest races, we mean that either all races are dangerous to no more well no, the only race that exists is dangerous human race. How many human deaths have occurred and will occur without knowing almost nobody, dog breeds that do not interest publicly denounce?). AMAZING.
- 1 death caused by a Cocker eight kilos.
- 1 death caused by a Doberman.
- 2 deaths Presas Canarios. (At first they said they were Pit Bull).
- 1 death caused by Dogo Argentino. (At first they said it was a Pit Bull).
- 1 death caused by Rottweiler.
- 1 death caused by a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. (At first they said it was a Pit Bull).
- 1 death caused by a Siberian Husky.
- 1 death caused by two English mastiff cross dogs. (At first they said they were Rottweiler).
- 1 death caused by a bulldog German. (At first they said it was a Pit Bull).
- 1 death caused by a shepherd and a mongrel dog Majorca. (At first they said that the Majorcan Pastor was a Pit Bull and the mutt was a Rottweiler.)
- 1 death caused by a Great Japanese Dog. Not long ago, this race was known as the American Akita.
However, after looking at these statistics the only breed that originally was to be banned in Spain, were the great and good American Pit Bull Terrier. These are the same circumstances that occur when making lists of potentially dangerous breeds, or worse, the ban on certain breeds of dogs in some other countries, whose society mostly uncritical and objective when hearing the news, showing a great mentality of owners. (Puppets).
in Spain nine years ago, a child died three years of age by the teeth which produced a Cocker eight kilos. As this example, of deaths caused by small dog attacks have occurred many, apart from the hundreds of deaths that occur in small dogs when their irresponsible owners take them loose near the roads and cause accidents traffic. In England, particularly in London, five years ago a baby died three months of age by the teeth that gave him a poodle of three kilos of weight, when you walked into his crib and kill him. England
was the first country to ban the APBT and four races in 1991. The British government argued that banning these breeds would kill the dog attacks a person. Nothing is further from reality, since the attacks increased significantly because the root of the problem not the solution and the root of the problem is irresponsible owners. Today the British Government publicly stated that the extent of the prohibitions of races have not solved all the problem of dog attacks on people. Why not learn from the mistakes made by other countries in this regard?. Nobody should be able to play God, deciding which dog breeds have to live or what they have to disappear or die.
The example of human deaths caused by small dogs, we have simply to open their eyes and understand this situation, the citizens' mentality of owners "and thus be understood that any dog \u200b\u200bbreed or size that, in the hands of irresponsible owners can be classified as potentially dangerous, and so begin to have a critical and objective when they hear or read the news. It is important to critically and be objective when we hear talk negatively about the American Pit Bull Terrier or any other breed, they must understand that dogs are the breed they are, have always been man's best friend from beginning of mankind, and man should not give back to his best friend even life would be left by the owner.
The German Shepherd is the breed most benefited in a matter of image, in carrying out all the legislators on a number of breeds ranking them as dangerous because as we have been denouncing the alleged professional canine theme stoop to when creating lists ranking them as the dangerous breeds are people who are dedicated his entire life around the German Shepherd and whether to restore the dominance of popularity and sales of their race, they have to play dirty and cheat the different administrations, they do so without hesitation, as indeed they have, above everything and everyone without any ethical and moral sensitivity. Do not fall into this deception, and all races are dangerous or none. Yes there are dangerous dogs and all dog breeds and mestizos, as many as there are irresponsible owners. Then there is no room to legislate on a number of breeds classified as dangerous, law should be to promote responsible dog owner and the owner is not, punish them severely. From the International Federation of the APBT, back to stress that we have absolutely nothing against the German Shepherd, on the contrary, because as breed dog that is, if at any time, any institution would take action against German Shepherd, we would be the first to defend them. Publishing these statistics, which reveal the most deadly dog \u200b\u200bbreed to the human cause, the German Shepherd, and a lot of difference in the second race, we just made eye opener fans of the entire economic fabric that hides behind it. Fans dogs and animals in general, we're pretty tired with such sensationalist reporting of dog attacks to people, and on the other hand, are pretty outraged that they hide the attacks on people when they are featuring German Shepherds and other breeds protected by the leaders of the corresponding canine prefer not to leave these types of reports looking at the welfare of dogs in general, but unfortunately are leaving, leaving all or none. We find it regrettable to create blacklists, but more unfortunate is that there are people who do not understand all this manipulation and create that there are dangerous breeds. The creators of the lists of breeds as dangerous, also the creators themselves are white lists with the names of dog breeds that they breed and the first name of this white list is the German Shepherd. I think this fact after studying the statistics, is more than enough to understand all the manipulation that has existed.
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