American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA): A record that has existed since 1889 and only recorded the American Pit Bull Terrier. Unlike the United Kennel Club, not dog fighting censorship. American Staffordshire Terrier
: The counterparty exposure Pit Bull. This race was known as the Staffordshire Terrier, but the American was later added to define this race had evolved from different lineages to Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Ban
Dog: A term that was used at a time to name a race result of the intersection of a Pit Bull and Italian Mastiff. The literal translation would be chained dog.
Bat Ears: Prick ears with rounded tips. Breaking
Stick: soft wood wedges used to separate the dog from a dam when it does not let go, is used between the teeth of the dog without leverage, once released the prey, in the mouth to prevent the dog then again Dam.
Catchweight: A heavyweight, any dog \u200b\u200bwith more than 52 lb weight Weight Pit.
Butterfly Nose: Nose is a type of meat color stains. Catch
Dog: Dog used to catch wild pigs or cattle, These dogs are very useful in overgrown fields.
Chain Weight: normal weight is a caged or chained dog and a pet.
Chinese Fighting Dog: A strange-looking dog that weighs about 50 lbs. This breed has the characteristics to be used in fights, has the hard and soft leather that allows any dog \u200b\u200bto be loosened from the grip, it also has enormous fangs. Formerly it was said that this would be the end of the Pit Bull breed dog was fodder for the Pit Bull.
Cur: It has two meanings, any dog \u200b\u200bof any breed other than a Pit Bull or any dog, including the Pit Bull that is not deep game. Cur
Out: Demonstration of lack of courage, abandonment.
Dudley Nose: Nose flesh colored (this is not the same as Red Nose). Full
Drop Ears: Ears completely falls. (Such as Colby's Pinscher). Game
Test: Test of Courage for a dog fight, before the test you are tired to face fresh after a dog. Keep
: Another term used for a dog that will be fought, is to keep the dog away from any stimulus except during periods of exercise. Natural
ears, ears not cut, almost half of Pit Bull's ears as well, and it is a mistake to cut them.
Old Family: Old Family fighting dogs imported from Ireland in the latter half of last century, the breeders who were based in the Old Family to establish their lines were Colby, Feeley, Corvino and Lightner.
Old Family Reds: A segment of the Old Family that was kept pure from other families, were red, white or red and white.
Old Family Red Nose: A segment of the Old Family Reds that was kept pure, showed a red nose.
Pied: white with bronze (or a mixture of dark colors.)
Pit: pit where the dogs fight. Pit
Weight: The weight of a dog pit, the minimum weight while retaining maximum bite.
Network: Any color shade cloth, except the décor.
Red Nose: Nose copper color that regularly present members of the Old Family Red Nose. This color also have dogs of other breeds.
Roll: A practice or training.
Scratch: A method by which a Pit Bull must show courage in a fight in a pit. Scratch is a line in the pit which has to transfer the dog to grab his opponent.
Scratch Line: A line in the pit by cutting corners, on which the dog makes the attack should not be on it.
Spring Pole: A device for exercising a Pit Bull, consists of a piece of skin or string (where the dog bites) and a spring or spring which is attached to a height that let the dog grip without being hung.
Tosa: A breed of Japanese dog fight that reached the 140 pounds.
Winch: Apparatus for making exercise a Pit Bull running on it (treadmill).
Turn: A term used in fights to refer to the movement that makes a dog so that your opponent does not hold, according to rules that use the turn can be considered legal if it is a maneuver.
Turn Table: Treadmill type apparatus consists of a round wooden surface which rotates when the dog runs on it.
United Kennel Club (UKC): The second biggest club record of America, sponsors The American Pit Bull but does not promote fights.
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CH - Champion (Champion): This is obtained title by winning 3 fights under contract and reported in a register as the SDJ.
GD CH - Grand Champion (Grand Champion): Obtained the title by winning 5 fights without losing any contract. If a dog loses a fight is still a champion.
ROM - Register of Merit (Register of Merit): You get this title for having fathered 3 children champions or grand champions. For every three children earn one point champions ROM. Garner's Frisco ROM has 13 points ROM. This means that spawned 39 children or grand champions champions. NO WIN NO NEED TO FIGHT TO BE A ROM.
DG - Dead Game: This title is given to a dog who gave his life in a fight never letting up until the end. For me this is the most prestigious title that means that even a dog would die knowing that the depth of his gameness was such that he did not desist in their fight until his last breath. The dog must not win the fight to be dead game and there are no dead dogs live game.
CW - Chain Weight / Catch Weight (weight range): This involves the dog's weight string or without conditioning, preparation or training. The dog was taken from his chain and taken to fight as it was.
When a dog's name is followed by acronyms such as:
2xw means (Two Time Winner) Twice winner, or has won 2 fights. 3XW won 3 fights ... etc. 1XL
means losing a fight. 2XL lost 2 fights ... etc.
The best dogs have these acronyms and such ..... DG. Salina's Swig
2xw - 1XL (DG)
This dog won two fights and lost one showing his gameness and giving his life trying to win in his last fight
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