So many shameful, repugnant, bizarre and ridiculous to spend in the country and local mass media barely mention them, if they do, or when they do, give biased treatment According to the economic status and political importance of the question.
For sample summarize some of the most recent developments as not to be lost in oblivion and indifference of the Colombian people:
shameful and despicable ... ....
That the latest report on internal displacement in Colombia, published by the Center Internal Displacement Monitoring based in Norway (IDMC, for its acronym in English) has not earned a paragraph in a newspaper or magazine, not a minute on the radio or television for at least read the title of the report. It's outrageous that all such prepayment, in apparent collusion with drug traffickers and their spawn previous government in the current administration , observe absolute silence to tremendous national tragedy, a fact that puts them at the same aberrant position of those who have tried to present to the nearly 5 million displaced as a phenomenon of "migrants". The exception is represented by the NGOs mentioned in the report, which thus are demonized as allies of terrorism by the establishment and prepaid media for daring to present figures actual consequences of violence and state terrorism.
the national government, its media and gallery prepaid vaccinated against rationality seems not to care, less ashamed, that the country continues to occupy first place in the world in number of displaced over Sudan, Iraq, Congo, Somalia, Pakistan, to name the countries leading the list. Aggravated by the fact that in Colombia, the denial of the tragedy by the government and indifference on the part of civil society also produces the largest number of killings of IDPs, which reached 553 scandalous figures in 2009 and 266 only in the first six months of 2010 (government's own figures!).
reprehensible and unusual ....
that Colombians are paying the military defense of rapists and child murderers through obscure organizations that function as appendages of the military command. This shadowy organization, presented under the name of "Defense Military" (DEMIL) , has the audacity to appear in the following terms:
"The Defender Association Military DEMIL "Founded in 1996, born as an expression of solidarity with the members of the police investigation, which are affected in their labor peace, stability and family heritage, being subjected to public ridicule and affected his honor even before defeated at trial. "
According to this presentation, the shysters of this shadowy organization are not defending the criminal who raped the girl and killed her with his two brothers, with In order to ensure that penalties are commensurate with the Colombian penal code, but because this pathetic murderer is "to be affected in their labor peace, stability and family assets to be subjected to public scorn and affected in their honor"
But challenges to civil society do not stop there. About the murder of the judge who had precisely the cases of children killed by his client, the statement on its web page ends with the following pearl:
"We sympathize with the pain family of Dr. Gaona and we hope that very soon you can clarify this unfortunate occurrence , but ask the media restraint in the information or risk being victims of attacks as a result of such pronouncements . " (at the time of writing the underlined part the statement has been re drafted in response to numerous criticisms that were especially via twitter)
For anyone who at least can read the preceding paragraph of this statement is a clear threat to journalists who have dared to follow up the case concerning the children killed by his client (whose honor is being affected, according to them!) and report their criminal activities to supplant Members of the Ombudsman to conduct inspections of the place of the killings, which site using helicopters came from the army and take the advantage as to intimidate / threaten the families of the victims.
Reading your advertising and press and his suspicious visit to the families of the victims can understand more clearly their claims about the level of effectiveness in cases guaranteeing assumed (see the website) ... .. The 181% no doubt an impressive record in the effectiveness of actions to silence, threaten and "silence" to the families of the victims, a process key witnesses, judges and even the journalists who dare to question their criminal activities and make follow up the cases they defend.
reprehensible and unusual ... ...
The resources of the state, ie the resources of all Colombians, are stealing the privileged few contractors well connected with the narco parapolitics in partnership with senior officials in the presidency, ministries, decentralized institutions, governments and municipalities. It's amazing that even though the hounds of one side have confessed some of his illegal businesses and betrayed some of their counterparts in government entities, only a few middle-ranking officials and under have been called to trial. The most outrageous is the carousel of recruitment and raiding the District in which confessions by Nule have been inadequate for these appear within the country before the Colombian authorities, and for all reported (their counterparts in the Bogota mayor's office) are called formally committed for trial by the Prosecution or the Supreme Court.
But most shameful and despicable is that the looting at the national level, clearly of unsuspected dimensions , has not produced the first investigation. For everyone familiar names of the former government hounds illegally awarded billions upon billions of dollars in contracts of all kinds , whose amounts were the highest percentage cost overruns, precisely so that a good portion of them are returned as bribes for their services, or as contributions to the campaigns of Congress and chair of its political patrons. The leaders of this monumental theft of the Colombian state's finances are all in the bowels of narcopauribismo: Andrés Uriel Gallego as the Ministry of Transport, Andrés Felipe Arias, Agriculture; Valencia Cossio, in Interior and Justice, Diego Palacio, Minister of Social Protection, and many other countless and nameless hounds who were directors of entities as the NED, INPEC, the INCO, the INVIAS, ICBF ... ... It is outrageous that these criminals do not even have opened disciplinary proceedings. On the contrary, these criminals parade from station to station, from channel to channel and daily newspaper, giving interviews, posing for victims and cynical ranting verbiage learned from their leader, which otherwise is praised for prepaid seudoperiodistas as Julio Sanchez, Dario Arismendi, The Facho Santos, Uribe RCN prepayments (the Davila and Gurisatti, etc.)., etc .... Patriots, honest and up front are adjectives using these seudoperiodistas to refer to these criminals who, according to them, we thank you and awards for his "services to the nation and face the" previously agreed to answer questions. In the end, all these hounds out of these interviews as heroes, clean and socially acquitted of all crimes.
The corollary of this chain of crimes against the public purse is not difficult to predict. The Nule are not the only contractors who benefited from the services of white collar criminals who named the narco parauribsmo in ministries and key institutions of national order. Nor will be the last. His only mistake was giving life to have been overwhelmed Arab kings and sheiks and go so far as to spend the smallest fraction of what was to build the projects, especially those of Bogotá, as paralysis on multiple fronts to the citizens exacerbated by the chaos in mobility and in itself unbearable since before start work.
The practice of cost overruns in contracts, claims the state immediately contracts are signed, the implementation of a fraction of the budget for construction and paralysis, if not total suspension contracted work (Remember the case of the Tobia Grande Puerto Salgar), is and has been the common denominator in the execution of all contracts at the national, departmental and municipal levels and in this carousel of corruption, Nule were not the first nor will the past.
For this reason, while at the District level will occur some convictions of officials at the national level is not going to happen. The shameful parade of prosecution attorney and Supreme Court by the consulate in Miami to receive statements by Nule continue until they break the covenants that they signed their white collar counterparts of the previous government (many of them ratified by Santos) and renowned politicians of all parties. The choice of Miami as a place of residence and carried out the court hearings is insurance required by Nule freedom to not betray their partners in government that benefited from paying millions in compensation for the fraudulent award a number of lucrative contracts across the country, including (amazed) to bienestarina supply to schools of low socioeconomic level.