Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How Often Do People Go To Doctor When They Hiv

Memorial discharges of healthy country against the man more honest and clear of Colombia

En una reciente aparición en público, el presidente Santos no ahorró elogios y manifestaciones de respaldo incondicional para con el ex presidente Uribe. Refiriéndose a los recientes pozos sépticos de corrupción que su propio gobierno ha destapado in national entities as the National Narcotics Directorate, INPEC, Superintendence of Notaries, Incoder, Fondelibertad, INCO, ETESA, etc ... in tough tone Santos Uribe stated that he is a "man who is clean, honest engaged in the fight against corruption ... "and so is proud to have been a part of their government and therefore also look after his legacy .

A Santos seems to care that all the corrupt activities that have been uncovered in his administration occurred under the tolerant gaze Uribe accomplice, and when at the time, these activities not only corrupt but criminal acts were denounced former President Uribe came out immediately that rabid dog to defend the officers involved, even to reward them for diplomatic positions beyond the reach of justice.

Santos, personally he has every right to think what they want about Uribe, and even as president, giving all the political support you want, and want to be now the president as due to him, but said publicly and shamelessly that Uribe is a clean and honest man, is an insult to the hundreds of thousands of victims of all illegal actions and criminal policies that were the common denominator for the Uribe government.

criminal actions and policies widely known, even internationally, and have been fully tested and documented, a number of them convicted and many others with ongoing criminal proceedings.

Santos As can be seen as an honest man, clean and committed to the fight against corruption a president under whose long administration (8 years):
  • Se asesinaron vilmente a más de 3000 humildes colombianos que no tenían nada que ver con el conflicto interno que vive el país;
  • Se desplazaron violentamente más de 2 millones de humildes campesinos para usurpar sus tierras y entregárselas a terratenientes que financiaron sus dos campañas a la presidencia, incluyendo la campana del referendo para la tercera reelección;
  • Defendió, desafiando incluso la acción de la justicia, a asesinos como Salvador Arana, a quien premio con la embajada de Chile; aun a pesar de que para la fecha del nombramiento ya había serias complaints and evidence of their crimes and association with paramilitary groups,
  • defended, also challenging the course of justice, criminals like Jorge Noguera, who he said was a good boy who deserved his trust, and who appointed in a diplomatic post in Europe, the same today faces serious criminal allegations unquestionable work in partnership with the paramilitaries as director of the DAS;
  • is killed hundreds of union leaders, journalists, teachers, advocates human rights, and humble community leaders whose only crime was to defend the rights displaced;
  • were persecuted without a warrant and no other reason than to neutralize them as opponents or stop criminal investigations, opinion-makers, many members of political parties other than Uribe, judges of the republic , to judges of the Supreme Court, independent journalists, members of the clergy, human rights defenders, and even international organizations
  • were wasted billions and billions of dollars in government programs that only had the objective of maintaining a permanent campaign for the president, who therefore had no impact on improving living conditions 50% of Colombians living in poverty;
  • and distributed were wasted billions and billions of dollars in infrastructure contracts awarded to friends and financiers of the two presidential campaigns and referendums reelection ;
  • seized assets were used to drug traffickers to the usufruct friends of the government in return for political favors, rather than using them to generate revenue and fund social programs
  • misleading the nation and the entire international community with false demobilizations de paramilitares y miembros de la guerrilla, y con shows de rescate de secuestrados;
  • Se engaño a la nación entera con el acuerdo de las bases militares gringas producto de negociaciones a puerta cerrada, a espaldas incluso del congreso de la republica;
Y podíamos seguir llenado páginas y mas paginas para demostrarle al presidente Santos que todas estas acciones ilegales y criminales no fueron la excepción, y que por lo mismo, es un insulto a la inteligencia de la humanidad absolver de tajo a Uribe; y peor aún, decir públicamente que es un hombre limpio y probo.

The short list above what Uribe says quite the opposite. A Uribe can not even consider a human being, unless a man ... .... What can be said with confidence is that it is a human being but genetically altered, hence his sick mind, their attitudes and actions of criminal cynical, phony, .... The most damaging and destructive president has had the country's history.

Addendum March 1918-2011

produces seizures confirm the degree of decomposition social and moral stun / mental lethargy and intellectual decline that reached the majority of Colombians have made gangsters, criminals and charlatans like Uribe and Jose Obdulio are considered leaders, opinion makers, advocates of moral ...


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