The latest diplomatic cables from the U.S. embassy published by the Spectator on the DAS scandal and persecution to the Supreme Court are the latest and most compelling evidence that a long time ago already had: that the order came from pike and pursue the presidency of the republic, namely, Alvaro Uribe.
the blind defenders will say that the cables Uribe did not mention the name of the president at the time. Obviously, with the enormous power of intimidation that had Uribe as president, which his government official would dare to denounce by name. Hence in the general accountability of Naranjo and former director of DAS then to the Ambassador have been gringo only signs of close aides and officials from Uribe. Neither Naranjo to make complaints or to receive the gringos are so stupid, like most Colombians, not to make the final link connection between the aforementioned officials and his immediate supervisor, President of the republic.
Or is there someone well-informed does not know that Jose Obdulio Gaviria, Bernardo Moreno and Edmundo del Castillo, were the most intimate advisers, faithful and close Uribe, who spoke at the hearing and who reported and received instructions from Uribe and nobody else? Or that the director of DAS is also named, depends on and receives direct instructions from the president of the republic?
So before you leave nudity gringos diplomatic cables, the drug to former president has no alternative but to resort to their well-known coarse strategies, with the difference that this time will only serve to delay for a short time the impact of judicial Tsunami that he came over.
As it did with the former director of DAS, Maria del Pilar Hurtado, when he was already trapped and ready to start talking, you are probably already working hard on achieving political asylum Rasputins for in the Presidential Palace. The reasons will assert no different from those discussed in the case of the fugitive Hurtado: present their advisors as victims and / or political, inasmuch as according to him were the visible heads of an administration that was victim of a set of narco-paramilitarism in retaliation for the extradition of its principal leaders. The rhetoric of this strategy and have not taken a lot of times, that these narco agents infiltrate the DAS and the CSJ to conspire to destabilize his government, and also to prevent his reelection.
Although this time, the strategy of taking their Rasputins the country will not be easy given the international uproar that triggers the asylum granted by Panama to your protected Hurtado.
Plan B, if the previous strategy does not work, it is also predictable. Will use his immense political power that is in the Santos administration to neutralize any attempt that he personally be connected to criminal proceedings outside the sketches mounted on the research committee of the House of Representatives. In reality this plan B is already in place, hence the spontaneous statements but challenging and intimidating tempt President Santos and his vice president in the sense that his government would provide full protection former President Uribe against any action that the national or international judicial authorities initiated against him.
But with everything and the support and protection you may have Uribe not only by the Saints but the political and economic elites who benefited from his Monaco-paragobierno, obvious questions that arise may be in the air:
more than the president who benefited from the fact that opponents of his government be neutralized (or removed) that the judges did not investigate the close links of Congress of his political coalition with the narco-paramilitarism (including his cousin and relatives of his ministers) that the Supreme Court lost credibility with the public?
Even if the whole operation had been carried on their backs, which individual interests would be his closest advisers to risk so great mount operation on its own account and risk? Perhaps only to ensure the continuity of their privileges, derived from the extension of his presidency, is a logical and rational explanation as to believe that Uribe acted swords?
Perhaps these officials were in such delegation of power to the director of DAS, which reports directly to the president blindly follow orders if first confirm that these were the only instructions from his boss, President of the Republic?
Perhaps, as some officials have said the DAS, the instructions given by the president in the sense that they meet all the instructions Jose Obdulio not involve the cancellation of orders that Finally gave to undertake the plan of the pikes?
Perhaps, as some officials have said the DAS, the instructions given by the president in the sense that they meet all the instructions Jose Obdulio not involve the cancellation of orders that Finally gave to undertake the plan of the pikes?
Todos los caminos conducen a Uribe; y seguramente consciente de ello es que el presidente Santos ha salido a ofrecerle su respaldo y protección, aun a costa de sacrificar su capital politico.
Pero la salida en falso de Santos tal vez solo tenga eco entre la galería y la godarria que ciegamente han apoyado a Uribe desde su beatificación. Como podrá explicar ante la comunidad internacional su contradicción entre su declaracion de respeto y apoyo a la actuación independiente de la justicia y las recientes declaraciones en tono amenazador en el sentido de que su gobierno no permitirá que Uribe sea vinculado formalmente a un proceso criminal. Perhaps, as it has in the past, will resort to one of his famous phrases such as "He who does not change when circumstances do is a jerk? But then you have to explain what are the circumstances that "force" now to question the independence of the judiciary
Santos is so stupid as to sacrifice his administration at the expense of protecting its former boss and secured his election as president?
Is it so stupid as to not realize that if you feel strongly his former boss is the best opportunity for innocent so is demonstrated to the international community is precisely that the competent judicial authority so determines after a thorough and transparent investigation?
Is it so stupid as to not realize that blindly protect his former boss will appear as an accomplice to the crimes and violations committed by their former boss?
Finally, ... or is that not stupid but his erratic statements are the result of pressure from the narco-para-Uribe protect his former boss and so prevent their own downfall, however it was his defense minister during which time the criminal operation is the amount of rewards that led to the murder of thousands of innocent civilians to pass them off as guerrillas not to mention its complicity in the false demobilized paramilitaries and guerrillas, false release of hostages, forced disappearances, etc., etc. ...?
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