A solitary walk, I can only accompany the sound of my footsteps and my shadow, that never left us, that which always accompanies me and my loneliness.
road aimlessly through the streets of a big city, my great city, which is hard but it is also beautiful.
People come and go without stopping, some walk quickly, others talk, argue some more while waiting for green traffic light.
I am lost in my thoughts and I sink into my affairs while I stand outside my world.
suddenly looked up and remain etched in my mind the faces that inadvertently accompany my way.
Girls who pretend to be women making up their innocent hearts, talking about stories that do not yet understand, a couple embracing, enjoying the most as they cross words of love, while crossing the eyes full of illusion, a baby kicks flooding the world their parents' innocence and impatience, a man running suit with a briefcase in his hands so fast losing some valuable time, a drifter who wanders the streets are now home, a mature woman with teen look ready to conquer the world, an old man with mischievous attitude, watching all women going around, ready to enjoy every moment of life.
Then a smile on my face to discover that I still have a thousand worlds to discover, a thousand ways to go, a thousand people to know and I'll eat the world, but not before enjoying every moment ...!!
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