I go to a site that does not know, I see a door in the background I approach her and touch.
The door opens and you're there, waiting, your smile lights up my face and your eyes makes me shudder, I walk with your eyes while I I do the same for every inch of your body, I stand in your mouth and walk along these beautiful curves that make me feel more and more desire.
Without a word we kiss, with the greatest passion possible, like the last kiss of our lives, I kiss your neck and you love because your skin crawls, I love your breasts are pressed against my chest.
Our breath is agitated, I can hear your groans and your mine, the fumes are increasing every moment, excited we both hear and feel our heat. Already
desire took hold of us, we just want to be yourself in this transfusion of love and passion we feel for each other, body to body and let us go.
Kiss every inch of your skin and enjoy your humidity, I love to feel each of your textures and see you arching your back as a sign of pleasure. Your
hard and firm breasts remind me how lucky I am to be able to love a princess like you kiss me crazy and chew on, you like to do hard and soft, fast and slow, all at once.
Finally we become one, breathe and groan so loud that you do not stop getting excited, our bodies are wet with pleasure and at that time we can only unite our cries, welcoming the feeling called orgasm.
Now comes the calm, accompanying your sighs, mine, our breath gradually returns to normal, give me a kiss as if to say I love you, kiss you back meaning I love you too and will be for life. Are in bed, their bodies intertwined as not to ever let go, although perfect moments are not made to last, if not, it would be perfect.
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