From "black propaganda" pure rate the article appearing today in the English newspaper The Guardian , the attempt by a conservative think tank to revive complaints about FARC have made Colombian military forces, which have been widely discredited.
And they have every reason for that rigor, seriousness and objectivity may have a report based on information contained on hard drives, flash drives and emails to government computers Former President Uribe's narco had held for nearly two years. And is that even the judicial authorities had had to happen immediately access and computers were confiscated assumptions.
Uribe known aversion to Chavez, it is difficult to imagine the celebration that should have followed the seizure of computers, if they really existed or if not destroyed by the bombing. And get ready because this is just the first of a chapter written by seudoexpertos telenovelucha IISS (who actually are former spies and former senior counsel of the administrations of Bush and Blair). The second part will be based on allegedly seized from mono files Jojoy, Santos reveals the dropper on the boards of prosperity such as ground and preparing to start the brainwashing process of Colombians.
For the timeliness and the strength of the article published in The Guardian, then translate it in full:
Seized Uniforms and materials from the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC) display at a press conference in Quito, Ecuador, 2008. Photograph: Juan Antonio Serrano / EPA
The publication of a dossier file of the FARC, which were allegedly seized by the government of Colombia in 2008, is really a fiasco. The report, prepared by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS, for its acronym in English) seems to be an attempt by hawks in the U.S. and the UK, using "black propaganda" to perpetuate the failed policies of the administration George W. Bush and previous administrations during the Cold War era, in which they were part. All findings are based on the false premise that the documents that the institute claims to have analyzed are true.
From long ago impartial observers of the facts concerning the alleged capture of the computer files of the FARC and its subsequent dissemination in the media have concluded that the files are very questionable to say the least. The Colombian military, which is attributed to the confiscation of documents on computers and memory sticks after the illegal bombing of a FARC camp in Ecuadorian territory in March 2008, it now be the only witness who can establish whether the documents are authentic.
The IISS in turn, and others who want to make the world believe that the documents are authentic, based their case on the alleged verification files by the Interpol. But what really Interpol concluded in its report on the analysis of the documents delivered in 2008 , was that the processing of files by the Colombian army "was not in accordance with internationally recognized standards for the routine management of electronic evidence established by security agencies. " Interpol had noted that after a period of one week between the confiscation of documents by the Colombian army and the date on which they were delivered to Interpol, during which the Colombian authorities had altered and deleted files 2,905 9,440 of According to the autopsy report detailed Interpol . Interpol also notes that "this can complicate the validation of evidence for purposes of presentation in judicial proceedings."
After the initial discovery and confiscation (computers, we were told, survived the bombing without being absolutely no damage!), The Colombian army came to make "statements" that immediately proved to be false. For example, a f oto Ecuador showing a high level official in a meeting with the FARC turned out to be false . For shame, the army claims that the records showed that the FARC were planning a bomb were publicly refuted by the U.S. government itself and terrorism experts.
evidence of the documents on the support of Venezuela to the FARC was so weak that the Secretary of the Organization of American States Jose Miguel Insulza, we reported just a month after the office of the subcommittee on the Western hemispheric relations in the U.S. there was "no evidence" of such support or complicity.
But even more disturbance occurred in the Colombian army claims given last year by the General Douglas Fraser, who is the commander of U.S. Southern Command, in response to questions from Sen. John McCain related to alleged FARC-Venezuela relations, and the revelations of the personal computer of Reyes. "We have not found any specific connection through which I can verify that there has been a direct connection to government - terrorism." Fraser also added: "I'm skeptical" (Fraser withdrew his testimony the next day after a meeting with the senior officer for the State Department's Latin America, Arturo Valenzuela. However, Fraser, as U.S. military commander for operations in South America, is in a better position to know the truth.)
U.S. policies during most of the Uribe administration (2002-2010) seemed designed to provoke tension between Colombia and Venezuela. But it seems that now that Santos is in office, the country is looking forward, and perhaps for canceling the agreement stipulating Uribe was an increased military presence in Colombia, the promoters of these policies again want to encourage those hostilities through the IISS.
What the world is being asked is that I trusted the word of former intelligence officers and national security advisers to the administration Bush - who oversee the activities of the IISS - and the word of their counterparts in the United Kingdom, among which include former directors of Thatcher and Blair. It should be noted that the IISS expert chosen to present the findings of the report this week in Washington is a former British intelligence officer who carried out intelligence operations in Latin America. Among other notable advisory board members are IISS Robert D Blackwill (former assistant national security adviser to George W Bush), Eliot Cohen (former senior adviser on strategic issues of the former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice), Sir David Manning (former foreign policy adviser in Blair) and Prince Faisal bin Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia. In other words, the same people who deceived the people of the U.S. and UK invasion of Iraq, now claim that they believe their stories about Venezuela, Ecuador and the FARC.
The IISS is full of characters who know a thing or two about "black propaganda", which is more than information made or altered and whose source is disguised in order to implement policy objectives. The "black propaganda" is as old as espionage itself and that is used daily by the CIA and MI6. Former CIA officer Philip Agee , described several such operations in their revealing memoirs under the title: "Inside the Company: CIA Diary," published in the 70s.
This is not the first time that Bush's henchmen use black propaganda to smear the Chavez government in its attempt to weaken it. Remember that Bush administration supported the brief coup against Chávez in April 2002. Using information altered - films that were manipulated to appear as though Chavez supporters had fired on unarmed marchers - played a role in the coup. So, because one has to accept as true statements of former senior officials of the Bush administration on Venezuela and Ecuador connections with the FARC?
Unfortunately there are many voices who continue to view Latin America through the prism of the Cold War, such as the current chairmen of the committees external relations and the U.S. Western Hemisphere, as well as several editors of major media in the U.S., who are always very disouestos to accept as true statements of neoconservatives and IISS agents - as they did in the lobby of the invasion Iraq.
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