October electoral process is perhaps the last opportunity for Colombian citizens to punish the narcoparauribismo (for at least politically) and collect all the irreparable damage he has caused the country in the last 9 years, practically in all spheres of national life. These damages, which also have degraded to the point of morality and mental health of Colombians have become more evident because of the multiple corruption scandals uncovered in recent months involving the operation of most national government institutions, especially during the long and agonizing presidency of Uribe.
But if there is still something of morality, decency, rationality and responsiveness, citizens can not afford to get caught in the tangle of propaganda that has been mounted and means prepaid narcoparauribismo and subservient (almost all) designed to reinforce the idea that the Uribe government has not only been the that has fought against corruption, but the most benefits and prosperity has given to all Colombians, for which resort to rehashing propaganda that has been the best government in history, its policies of democratic security, social cohesion and investor confidence (three eggs) removed the country from its pariah status and that therefore all state crimes and cesspits of corruption have been uncovered occurred behind!.
The country is still decent and those who have awakened from the state of hallucination in which they were unable spend the entire gross official propaganda being bombarded these days (and continue unabated until the elections), in which pit is acquitted of the president and the ruffians who appointed in ministries and institutions which have been uncovered septic tanks , with the pathetic argument that they did not have because being aware of everything that happened inside them because of their size and complex structures and the supposed autonomy related bodies operating.
But the assembly is not limited to the above. Propaganda also pray to be absolved narco former because "it has been up front", "its face" and requests (orders) to his former staff to do the same. Your prepaid media do not mention that to defend the indefensible, the former drug used to disqualification of complaints and self-righteousness, and the silencing of key witnesses, either taking them out of the country as exiles, extradited by promising big profits once they are released, threatening their families, or silencing completely (remember to Pedro Juan Moreno ....). If put into practice a minimum of critical thinking when they hear the statements of former officials involved in the scandals Uribe corruption, easily notice that recite the same script (verbiage) that is defended Uribe: send silent partners or interviewers, they are furious (although some also cry .... Pretelt remember), never answer what they ask or refuse to answer, and recite the usual verbiage who sacrificed their lives for the good of the country, who worked tirelessly, who are blameless, who knew nothing of the looting that was committed in their noses, and therefore the country what is thanks owed, awards ... ..
An argument simple to thwart the verbiage is to light them out propaganda that sold the country during his administration. A public opinion they sold the idea that Uribe and his team (gang they like best) worked 20 hours a day, 7 days a week, and that the president was aware of even the smallest details of what happened in government and the country at large, and even to every "little check" that distributed as charity in their community boards had to be approved by him (remember that also delivered in person.)
is time then wondering how it is possible that a president who worked 20 hours a day, 7 days a week, and calling to inform him of even the most miserable who spoke ill of him, had no knowledge:
his generals, who in the community councils were ordered to arrest the community council members complained, were cruelly killing thousands of innocent civilians to show results in the war against the guerrillas;
May his lapdog Arias was holiday resources allocated to the Ministry of Agriculture to support small farmers, giving them thousands of million pesos to landowners who had supported his two political campaigns ; same landowners who had taken over the land through threats, deception, displacement and killings of their genuine owners;
Have your another lapdog in the Ministry of Social Protection, Diego Palacio , EPS was distributed with the billions of pesos intended to provide medical care and basic hospital services to millions of Colombians in need;
Let your puppet in Narcotics Department , Carlos Albornoz, in conspiracy with his party's congress was holiday property confiscated from their partners narco paramilitaries, in many cases returning it to the same crime by proxy and family, and in other cases, narcoparauribismo delivering them to congressmen for the "manage" and embolcillen income they produce;
That his acolytes in the Mintransporte, the wimp Andres Uriel Gallego, I was riding rigged hiring processes to ensure that Nule, Conalvías and Velez were made to all public works contracts in the country;
his servant in Family Welfare, Elvira Forero , was also riding faked recruitment processes to ensure that Nule to stay up with the supply interventory bienestarina;
That their "good guys" of the DAS were pursuing relentlessly and mounting campaigns to discredit political opponents, independent journalists, union leaders, judges, human rights defenders, NGOs (including international), community leaders, presidents of other countries, intellectuals, etc., Etc ... ..., including the development of lists of innocent people were then brutally murdered by paramilitaries;
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could continue indefinitely with septic list of corruption and crimes that occurred under the "government" narcoparauribismo, whose leader denies or minimizes cynically saying that it occurred in his administration, or that occurred behind !
Or is it rather that the commitment of 20 hours a day, 7 days a week was not in the interests of Colombians (as we were told) but towards the interests of foreign investors and their U.S. patron?, or for making montages of a supposed invasion of Venezuela, or to conspire against other governments in the region?. If so then you understand the pilgrimage to the embassy gringa, of himself and his staff (including generals), to be accountable for their performance, to conspire against the neighbors and ask militarize the country ... If we take into account that are more than 2,500 cords revealed by Wikileaks that originated at the embassy in Bogotá, every day and during the 8 years of the Uribe government, should have been gringo ambassador visited the shift. So, it would be more credible to say that everything happened behind his back because apparently he and his officials spent most of his time being accountable to the gringos who directing and ensuring that the institutions work for the benefit of Colombians.
Finally, back to the issue of elections in October, in the case of elections for mayor of Bogotá, citizenship can not be misled by the media prepaid (accomplices overlapping of the crimes of narcoparauribismo) with the ruse that they are more serious inconsistencies Mockus ( now Peñalosa has asked to reject the support of Uribe , after praising his administration) that the chain of crimes and corruption carousels narcoparauribismo drag. If they feel they must punish Mockus their political lurches then do it and do not vote for Green Party candidate thing whatsoever, but do not vote for any candidate to be the narcoparauribismo, because if they would be complicit in all the looting that Samuel administration perpetrated in collusion with Moreno Uribe.
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