Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rental Car Return Inspection Form


(there, you Eased my mind)

Miro, I keep looking at the color of a new dress exactly alike, so calm sweet , caress and I slip from one room to another, hoping to come back, always waiting for the return of calm and serenity of that. And that relieves any weight, that no one groove and eyes as green as segments. Love as rhythmic and so fluid.

Friday, February 25, 2011

I Am Getting Thrush After Every Period

according to UN Office

As usual, little attention and dissemination by the mass media has had the last report of the office in Colombia of the United Nations Human Rights, which analyzes the major acts of violence occurred during 2010.

For those who want to know the entire UN report please click on the link below:

For those who just want a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe report below we summarize the salient results and statistics :

On human rights and international humanitarian law ...

The UN office in Colombia received with concern the continued killings, threats, attacks, information theft, Tracking and intimidation against defenders of human rights and their organizations in different regions of the country. Among the victims are women and men leaders, community advocates, members of community action boards, Afro-Colombians and indigenous representatives and municipal representatives, trade unionists, personnel system Early Warning (SAT) of the Ombudsman and journalists.

particular concern are the murders, threats and harassment against those who work for the rights of displaced persons, especially women leaders from women's groups, and the restitution of land, particularly in Cauca, Sucre and Urabá. The murder of Rogelio Martinez, and Oscar Maussa Alexander Quintero, who worked in restitution cases, were threatened and allegedly had protective measures, illustrate this situation.

Deaths trade unionists continue to be worrisome. In 2010, 26 people were killed, compared to 25 in 2009. The deaths of non-unionized teachers increased from 4 to 114. A total of 1,433 people from the trade union movement are covered by the Protection Program of the Ministry of Interior and Justice. In 2010, there was the death of a journalist and 45 were threatened.

About DAS criminal activities ....

The information received by the office in Colombia to confirm the existence of a pattern scouting, stalking and harassment conducted systematically by DAS officials, under orders from their superiors, who reported the results. The progress of research suggests that both the G3 group called as the National Monitoring Group and International (Goni), whose members claimed the commission of these illegal acts were in fact formally constituted structures within the institution.

on extrajudicial (the ill-called false positives) ...

judicial rulings to date confirm that the allegations were false and had sustained some politicians and military. The Prosecutor is currently investigating 1,488 cases with 2,547 victims. Moreover, more than 400 cases are being investigated by other sectional units of the Office. To this we must add 448 active cases known to the military criminal justice system and those that may have been filed by the institution without proper legal proceedings.

Based on existing data on cases and victims, the UN office in Colombia estimated that more than 3,000 people could have been victims of extrajudicial killings, attributed mainly to the Army. The vast majority of cases occurred between 2004 and 2008.

The office of the UN expressed concern at the continued denial of extrajudicial executions by members of the security forces and attacks suffered by their members to cooperate with the law.

About paramilitary activities ...

's office UN in Colombia noted with concern an increase in violence generated by illegal armed groups in 2010. Members of these groups have committed murders, threats, extortion and sexual violence and forced displacement caused individual and collective. Particularly worrying is the sharp increase in killings (40%) in the context of violent disputes between these groups and between factions within a group. Only in Cordoba there were 10 massacres in eight months, five of which occurred in October and November.

The victims of these groups are social leaders and human rights defenders public officials in the exercise of its function is opposed to these groups as well as indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities. Other victims are people who refuse to grant the application to work, the groups denouncing to the authorities and who have or seek restitution of land that are of interest to these groups. They also act antagonistically against those perceived as collaborators or members of rival groups or forces, or simply found in an area of \u200b\u200bdispute with another group.

addition, there is a particular concern about the widespread use of children and adolescents in all types of activities, including acts of killings, and sexual violence against women and girls.

in the commission of such violence, these groups have sometimes with the acquiescence, tolerance and even collusion, either through corruption or threats, some members of the security forces, including police National, as evidenced by cases reported in Antioquia, Córdoba and Meta.

parapolitics About ... ..

The UN office in Colombia notes with concern that the influence of the "para-politics" has not disappeared from the new Congress. Of the 268 delegates elected, 13, who had been re-elected are being criminally investigated by the Supreme Court. In addition, there have been reports of possible cases of "political front men" between first elected congressmen and people in processes of "para-politics."
The Court has settled 120 cases against lawmakers and former congressmen.

on Forced Disappearance ..

In November, the total amounted to 51 310 registered missing persons, of which 12,632 have been considered as the alleged disappearances. Among the latter, there are 3,073 women and 3,042 children under 20 years. The increase in cases of missing record from 2009 is almost 40%.

Due process of Law 975, 3,037 graves were exhumed and found 3,678 bodies, only 1,323 have been fully identified, of which 116 have not yet been returned to their families. The degree of impunity surrounding this serious violation of human rights is very high.

About Sexual Violence ....

In 2010, the UN office in Colombia known cases of sexual violence attributed to members of post-demobilization groups in Antioquia, Cauca, Cordoba and Norte de Santander, in which victims were girls or young women. Also known cases of sexual violence attributed to members of the security forces, including Army in Arauca, Caldas, Cauca, Chocó, Meta and Vichada. In most of these cases the victims were girls.

The most dramatic case of sexual violence occurred in Arauca in October, in which was attributed to an Army the rape of two girls with an interval of two weeks, one of the girls, along with two of his brothers was later murdered. Neither the Army nor the prosecutor immediately responded to the complaints of the first act of sexual violence, which reflects not only the negligent conduct in a particular case, but structural flaws in the two institutions.

discrimination ..

NGOs reported 50 murders and numerous threats against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders. Impunity in these cases remains very high. For example, of the 99 cases reported between 2006 and 2007, only 29 are under investigation and in one case has been convicted.

On the situation of indigenous peoples and Afro ... ..

Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities continue to suffer disproportionately from the violation of their rights in the context of armed conflict. In particular, their lives, territorial and cultural rights are threatened by the presence of armed actors in their territories. This results in selective assassinations, disappearances, landfills, forced displacement and indiscriminate attacks by the use of landmines. Among the victims are women and girls, who also suffered sexual violence.

also there have been violations, including sexual violence, attributed to members of the security forces. The lack of adequate measures to protect civilians in the conduct of military operations may have caused forced displacement, as the indigenous 300 occurred in January in Olaya Herrera (Nariño).

About excesses and abuses of the security forces ....

Despite bans national and international recommendations, the UN office in Colombia continued to receive information on the use of children for intelligence purposes by members of the security forces and their participation in civil-military campaigns.

The office in Colombia noted the reports of the existence of a mass grave with 2,000 bodies in La Macarena (Meta). Despite finding no evidence of a mass grave, the office in Colombia detected at least 446 unidentified persons (NN) buried in the cemetery between 2002 and 2010 after being declared "killed in combat" by the Armed Forces.

cases of torture ...

The UN office in Colombia continued to record cases of torture by members of the security forces, and noted with great concern repeated occurrence of this violation in Antioquia, Arauca, Caquetá, Meta, Valle del Cauca and Vichada.

particularly concerned about the situation in Medellín, where several people, including suspects, have been victims of torture and abuse repeatedly. The abuse consisted of, among others, blows to various parts of the body by punching and kicking or manning weapons and shock, burns, pepper spray and suffocation with plastic bags.

Between August 2009 and May 2010, the prosecution had initiated 32 investigations of torture. Under Law 975, the Office reported in November that a total of 51,616 cases had been initiated the confession of 543 acts of torture but to date no one has been convicted.

About displacement ....

The UN office in Colombia expresses great concern about the high number of homicides of people displaced. Between 2007 and March 2010 there were 1499 homicides of people displaced. Although forced displacement usually occurs more in rural areas with presence of illegal armed groups, in 2010 there was an increase in commute. Particularly concerned about the situation in Medellín and Cordoba, where there were several mass displacements due to disputes between paramilitary groups.

Sobre pobreza y derechos sociales, económicos y culturales…..

El coeficiente de Gini alcanzó en 2010 un valor de 0,585, lo que sitúa al país entre los siete más desiguales del planeta. El índice de extrema pobreza es del 16%, pero alcanza porcentajes superiores en algunos departamentos del país.

El 17,5% de la población colombiana padece al menos una carencia grave en salud y persisten la inequidad y las restricciones en el acceso, disponibilidad y calidad de los servicios health for people in poverty.

Addendum February 26 - The Security Council recently adopted UN unanimously reslucion 1970 by which imposes sanctions on the Libyan government, including that of referring cases of human rights violations by the Gaddafi government to the International Criminal Court.

The Ambassador of Colombia, speaking before the Council, said the government condemns Colombia human rights violations and crimes against humanity committed by the government of Libya in response to popular protests. Ambassador Osorio, or representing another country, has not lived in the country, is a cynical hypocrite, or not even read the latest UN report on violations of human rights in Colombia (summarized in the preceding paragraphs) of there did not even show a hint of shame in making its intervention condemning the government of Libya.

And if the UN wants to prove he is not a political arm of the U.S. (for international politics ), which is consistent with their performances, the next country to be referred to the International Criminal Court should be Colombia. His own report prepared by the High Commissioner for Colombia well demands.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Does Discharge Look Like Before Ovulation


It's a rainy afternoon and as the minutes of the clock hands move in your womb birth feel desire, almost hurts so much that you miss my manly essence within. Toco

your door, open it, we're there, face to face, me with the depth of love reflected in your face and slowly lead your right hand to my cheek, which gently caress, your finger slides down my neck and rest a long time in my chest, then up and loving and tender draws the outline of my lips.

I am mesmerized by your eyes, that look as yours, I react, he smiled, with that mischievous smile as me, you tremble, as always, your nerves can not bear the full weight of my eyes on you, your heart rate increases and you floating feeling.

I bring my mouth to yours and starts kissing ritual, ritual, because it can not be a simple kiss what you and I share, my being, completely absorbed yours transporting you to a world where only you and I can go.

My brown hands over your body, your breasts, your belly and the essence of your femininity, moaning I can say no more, to fill you with me, that makes you feel like a woman, you want me more than anyone.

I with a forced calm, look at you and smile a little quiet I ask, why is not the time yet, so I'm patting my face down to your throat and tongue drawing their outlines, I stop and give you kiss slow, soft, deep. Continuous

delicious journey toward your breast and there delight me a long time, suck, bite and kiss, with love, passion and desire, Now you feel my hands on your hips and my mouth in the most hidden, more feminine, more and you can not helpless body contorts into a wild orgasmic dance while my tongue between your folds, and tasting your essence.

slowly ascend touching my chest with you and give you a long kiss where you can enjoy your own self dare me, while you, vigorously stroking my back, while you move your hips eagerly awaiting the glorious moment which we become ourselves.

The wait was worth it and continue our transfusion of love, passion and desire, while outside the storm runs its course ...


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Astra Diesel Isuzu

Apropos of dictatorships in Latin America, which is true? that of Colombia or Venezuela?

occasion of the popular uprisings in the Middle East, a large body of opinion in Colombia is now asking the sacred heart that these same revolutions are given against the "dictatorship" that as they exist in Venezuela , Cuba and Nicaragua. Absurd ideas that reflect a complete ignorance about the history, systems of governance and political and social conditions in which revolutions are framed in the Middle East, and what actually happens in neighboring countries who have freed themselves from oppression and exploitation gringa.

Worse more shameful is that these same broad sectors of the Colombian people do not realize that they have for centuries lived under the same or worse dictatorships that Gaddafi and Mubarak, only that they live under dictatorships are not embodied in one person but in different figures represent mafias, caste / political and economic elites that frequently (every 4 years, lately every 8 years) alternate power under a farce that represents a false democratic process, which the same is illegitimate, manipulated and corrupted.

Dictatorships only defenders the interests of the elites and oligarchies and national economic policies and the U.S. government and its multinationals, and that therefore, its aim (like the dictatorships in the Middle East) is to oppress and exploit the Colombians, and have to resort to use terror and violence, as has been happening for over 60 years.

godarria The Colombian, who only thinks and acts in accordance with local official propaganda and pro-gringo does not realize that it is precisely against such local elites and domination gringa Chavez has been fighting for nearly 12 years. By washing brain such that they know that the struggle Chavez has been in favor of social classes that traditionally had been repressed for decades, exploited and socially excluded, precisely for the equivalent of caste and oligarchies that have and Colombians continue to exploit. Breeds that all they want is to maintain the status quo in the interests of a small number of corrupt and powerful families who enjoy seeing their wealth grow exponentially at the expense of the impoverishment of the majority of Colombians and delivery political sovereignty, territorial and resource the U.S. government.

This was extirpated cancer Chavez of Venezuela and Colombia in the case appears to be incurable because of the sheep mentality of the majority!.

A Chávez, if you want the gringos and the Colombians sheep, they can still be called a dictator. But Chavez is far from being compared to Middle East dictators, whom the gringo government has supported for decades by supplying arms and resources to keep their people oppressed and miserable. Chávez, by contrast, is a "dictator" but against the political classes and oligarchies Venezuelan society, also with the consent of empire had oppressed for decades by the Venezuelan people and stole away with their natural heritage and economic development.

A Colombian Gallery ignorant and ewe, the oppressors will not let them know (or do not want them to know) that the "dictator" Chávez has reduced poverty from about 70% to 23% ; that all Venezuelans, without distinction of class have full health coverage, free access to all education, including university education, and that the unemployment rate is only 6.4%; that is, lower than the unemployment rates in USA and Canada and of course lower than the rate of unemployment in Colombia.

ignorance and submission of the gallery is such that not even allowed to look at living conditions: first place in the world displacement, over 50% of poverty ( 80% in the field), a health system that the poor have to entutelar to give them generic drugs against a headache, and the workers and individuals from upper-middle classes have to pay large sums and entutelando also terminate the EPS for permitting some treatments and drugs, not to mention the mediocre and limited education, of which the majority of the population is excluded by the outrageous costs, especially at university level.

If you have not checked the figures are convinced who disappeared during the dictatorships of Videla in Argentina and Pinochet in Chile. Only the dictatorship of Uribe missing outnumbered those of Chile and Argentina, with more than 30,000 citizens who were totally alien to the internal conflict, not to mention the executions, which in itself was abominable Uribe figure reached more than 3,000 innocent civilians brutally murdered humble (the ill-called false positives) not counting the executions of hundreds of union leaders, teachers, community leaders, human rights defenders, independent journalists, etc. ..!!!!
To see if these facts does shake of his mental stupor and recognize that it is you who have lived and still live under an oppressive dictatorship, exploiter and terrorists.

If at least take a few minutes to scrutinize the propaganda disseminated by the media subservient to prepaid dictators (this if for real) and compare it with reality living Perhaps in those brief moments of his birth with a logical and rational thinking and can see that the reality they are selling these prepaid media is pure fantasy. WAKE UP!!

final note: From borreguismo instilled by the oligarchs are not saved or who call themselves intellectuals and opinion makers, they demonize Chavez the same fervor and intellectual impairment that makes the gallery. They do not realize their opposition, when they condemn Chavez as a dictator, using the same rhetoric and propaganda used by local political classes and the government gringo who criticized as evil for the Colombian nation. How pathetic are these specimens too!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Can You Get Fake Ids In London, Ontario

Wikileaks and Operation Checkmate: A rough theater work

One of the newer cables Wikileaks reveals evidence was needed on the charade of "Operation Check" which led to the release of Ingrid Betancourt, Americans and other mercenaries detained.

Next is the link to the full content of the diplomatic cable, dated June 24, 2008 and originated at the embassy in Bogotá:
The cable, which is central theme of the intentions of a humanitarian agreement with the FARC, revealed in one of his asides following: XXXXXX told us on June 13 that the church is in direct contact with the commander the first head of the FARC, Giraldo [Gerardo] Antonio Aguilar Ramirez ("Caesar") who supposedly is looking to the government of Colombia to free his wife and daughter as well as the Colombian government's commitment to allow him to family and any member of the FARC to demobilize him and freely travel to France in return for the release of Ingrid Betancourt. XXXXXX reported the matter to Deputy Defence Minister Sergio Jaramillo, who promised full cooperation. XXXXXXX said that if the deal went ahead, the church would participate at parish level as a share to more desprestigiaría high church with the FARC secretariat. ... ... .... XXXXXXXX considered that the release through the demobilization of a commander who is responsible for the hostages is more likely that an authorized release by the secretariat ".

As abruption of the diplomatic cable, the many versions , features and news articles famous following the operation check, they were right in the sense that "success" of the operation was due to direct negotiations alias Cesar, not bold action from the military. Acts were also repeatedly challenged by the FARC secretariat own , for whom the alias Cesar negotiating with the government was an act of betrayal and not a intelligence work and persuasion as presented army, supposedly the result of which Caesar was deceived and induced to accept the mobilization of the hostages for the secretariat order more.

The challenge was to counter the massive propaganda that followed the release, which came through of all major prepaid media are always hungry for news of fiction and ready to recreate and amplify what the establishment tells you. And the ad nauseum repetition of the images of the supposed rescue and statements of all the heroes, including the cries and prayers of Ingrid Betancourt, had the effect sought: Today, all Colombians, including many unsuspecting foreigners, remain convinced that the "check operation" was the most spectacular action of the army of Colombia and the strategic blow harder against the FARC. Convinced it was not difficult given the mental weakness, inability to question and attitude borreguísimo characteristic of most Colombians. We also remember the farce that amount Uribe and his army of heroes of the motherland in 2006 with the demobilization of 70 alleged guerrileros dubbed a front Cacica The Gaitan to (please refer to link to refresh your memory)

directors still working in the many versions of the film and documentary check operation will have to make last minute changes (if they even have time) because with the revelations of Wikileaks, which purporting to show a real courageous and bold action of the Colombian army is not view but as a science fiction movie.

For the print media, radio, television (series, noveluchas, etc. ..) as well as the authors of many books have also published about should be asked if you have the ability to be ashamed and publish / disseminate relevant clarifications, including the wide dissemination of diplomatic cable and the recognition that, or is paid to spread propaganda, or were assaulted in their good faith.

A final observation: In the comments made in this article, some believe that the diplomatic cable was invented by Wikileaks. Nothing more false. Wikileaks is only a means of communication that has received thousands of memoranda generated gringas embassies scattered throughout the world and were sent to the Department of State (equivalent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia). These memos were kept confidential or secret by the State Department were leaked to Wikileaks by someone who had full access to your files but the gringo government has not yet fully identified. These memoranda, usually are reports of meetings between the ambassador gringo (or officials of the embassy) with host government officials, and in many other cases, opinions or perceptions of the ambassadors on governments or the political, social or economic importance of countries where they have diplomatic representation.

In the particular case of memoranda generated by the Colombian Embassy, \u200b\u200bwhat registers are held formal discussions or meetings between Embassy officials and government gringa Colombia, but with the difference that were (and certainly and continuing) the Colombian government officials (including senior military and police) who attended the gringo embassy to request authorization to pay bills or how to act, which agents of the government for more shame gringo!. Cables published so far revealed. See the following link: " Accountability Uribe government's ambassador to the gringo on the occasion of the scandals of the DAS "

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do Energy Drinks Cause Miscarriages

The three eggs, a legacy of narco-para-Uribe, smell rotten and nobody produces nausea! About

With the exception of some media local and international independent, virtually unnoticed spent the last report of the NGO Consultancy for Human Rights and Displacement (CODHES ) on the current situation of forced displacement in Colombia.

But of course, that interest may be prepaid and the servile mainstream media establishment as the national public opinion aware of and discuss a report, the incontrovertible facts and figures are directly linked to the political platform narco-para-Uribe government (which still continues to rule), whose three pillars are referred to the parish and the three eggs of the legacy of Uribe: democratic security, foreign investment and social cohesion.

Nothing more appropriate than the report of the CODHES to demonstrate once again the real impact that these three pillars of the narco-to-left Uribe government in the lives of the vast majority Colombians.

The study, entitled "Consolidation of what? - Report on displacement, conflict and human rights in Colombia in 2010 was completed in the period of government transition Uribe (2002-2010) to the current Juan Manuel Santos.

Let's see how each of the terrorist policies of Uribe are intimately linked to the escalation of violence and social degradation that the whole country suffers today:

Democratic security = State Terrorism

"We scream to the world, and nobody can shut up, that forced displacement of people continues in Colombia and why we solidarity. We are not terrorists, we are not criminals, we are peasants who stole our dignity and our rights. " Thus spoke to the news agency Inter Press Service, with anger and sadness at the same time, a popular leader of the department of Tolima , who asked not to identity threats facing the Presidential Agency for Social Action and International Cooperation, where security forces last week prevented another protest of peasants displaced by internal armed conflict.

study the CODHES established that 44 of the 86 municipalities included in the National Plan of Territorial Consolidation recorded the largest expulsion of peasants last year, with six episodes that affected over 2,684 people and where they occurred 19 massacres in which 92 people died . This plan was initiated by Uribe in 2007 on the pretext of "meeting the goals of strengthening democratic security, to maintain investor confidence and advance effective social policy."

The report also reveals that the Plan area is verified 176 killings, including indigenous, civil servants, community leaders, human rights activist and a journalist.

The land restitution process has been hit by another wave of extreme violence, which, between March 2002 and January 2011, has claimed the lives of 44 leaders of displaced communities.

social cohesion = Displacement and Dispossession of Land

According to the report, about 5.2 million people were uprooted from 1985 2010 in rural areas. These 5.2 million displaced persons or refugees are located Colombia today in the first place in the world, followed by Sudan, Iraq and Afghanistan.

This figure confirms that Colombia continues to lead the list of countries with the largest number of people forced from their homes and refugee from political violence, as already indicated in 2009 Office of the High Commissioner United Nations for Refugees (UNHCR).

Only Uribe's two terms saw half of the recorded movements.

The Social Action Programme of the presidency had indicated that 86,312 people had to leave their homes in 2010, but the CODHES, based on daily monitoring of the phenomenon, check for information and adding secondary sources, corrected the figure official stated that 280,000 people were displaced in 2010 alone. Statistics

analyzed in the context of violence and displacement from areas where we implemented the National Plan of Territorial Consolidation indicate that 32.7 percent of those uprooted from municipalities included in the policy against leftist guerrillas.

to all this is compounded by the deepening poverty in which people fall to survive away from home, with indicators that now reach 70 percent

investor confidence = License to exploitation and theft of natural resources

The National Plan of Territorial Consolidation Uribe covered 86 of the 1,141 municipalities that divides the country. In 21 of them are projects of exploration, exploitation or mining exports and another 14 are intensive oil palm planting and replacement of agricultural crops were intended for consumption by the production of biofuels. All these are macro-extraction and production by multinationals and large entrepreneurs closely related to agribusiness violent dispossession of land ... .. Foreign investors narco-para-Uribe

The Monitoring Committee for Public Policy on Forced Displacement, formed as a result of Constitutional Court rulings in 2004, says that between 1980 and July 2010 seized more than 6.6 million hectares per share violence attributed to illegal armed groups.

most affected departments coincide with the regions in which they developed the National Plan for Land Consolidation, especially the departments of Antioquia and Chocó, with 1.9 million acres seized violently.

causes nausea were not all that historically have made the country the political and economic elites criminals, and especially what he did and continues to the narco-para-Uribe last 8 years?!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Images Of Public Hair

...!¡! CAN DO

Never forget that it is important to let go moments, situations, people, to complete a job, no more love, a friendship was broken, you can spend much time thinking about the why of things, but the wear will be infinite , think it worth ...?

better not turn the page, complete cycles, closed circles and we can not be in this longing for the past, what happened, happened and there is more to do.

have to drop is to be discarded, we can not be eternal children, late adolescents, or want to have a relationship with someone who does not want her with us.

That's why sometimes is so important to break photos, burn cards, destroy souvenirs, forget people, loved, valued, respected, symbolizing change processes to improve, let go, drop, discard.

must learn to lose, to win, not to mention that sometimes you can lose win, you win by losing, so you must let go, pass the sheet, must live the present, the past is gone, no expected to return that person, that situation, do not expect to realize what they really represent and then you will appreciate, no ... loose ...!!

Life goes forward, never backward, because if you walk through life leaving open just in case, you can never let go and live as of today with satisfaction, dating or friends who will not respect you, do not be assessed, ability to return to that ...?

view Do not turn back, but not do it for pride or out of pride but because you no longer fit in there, there, in that heart, in that room in that house at that desk in that office, you you are not the same as it was two days ago, three months ago, a year ago, therefore, there is a reason to return. Close

circles, passing the sheet, complete cycles, or you'll be the same, or the environment they want to return will be equal because in life nothing stays still, nothing is static, do it for mental health, love yourself, remember that nothing and no one is indispensable, not a person, not a place or a job, it is a process of learning to let go and you can do it.

Think of all the people that you still need to know, just think of all the moments that you still have yet to live, think about all these new experiences are coming into your life and make you dream, smile, love, live .

Close, close, clean boot, oxygenates, Let go, quiérete, valórate, respect yourself, I know you can do ...!¡!

Never let life hit you, your life hits ...!¡!

...!¡! always count on me
A big kiss.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Red Wire Changes To Black

releases held by the FARC and the reactions of Santos

unfortunate not to say pathetic, statements of Santos on the occasion of the release of Councilman Armando Acuna because out of the mountains in a dress and tie.

That seriousness and trust can provide a government for a political negotiation with the guerrillas when he publicly condemned, not only the FARC, kidnapped but released himself for the heinous crime of returning to freedom decently dressed, smiling and hopeful that with these recent releases open paths of peace.

It seems that if the images releases, that is, the faces, clothing and statements released, do not fit the script of the propaganda with which they bombarded the public, the FARC's unilateral gesture is nothing more than a show media "(a term which in Colombia is now heard even in churches).

To be consistent with that script of the official propaganda, designed to avoid any political negotiation process, all held by the FARC are to return to freedom dragging chains, physically emaciated as if they had been fed, sick, and talk shit from their captors, ... conditions under which the official machinery would have you believe the people of Colombia that the FARC keep all retained.

the apparent contradiction does not matter when it mounts the media show the government itself, as in the case of the check operation in which the appearance of Ingrid Betacourt as fresh out of room Beauty did not produced the slightest comment.

The perversity of the statements of Santos has consequences. Because such statements are precisely the official fuel violence and contempt for life and freedom that occur in the vast majority of Colombians. Hence the reactions of many Colombians as calling the council Acuña ally of the guerrillas, many even calling social media like facebook and twitter, his assassination, the shivers.

reactions that are repeated and repeated. It is not but recall the case of Corporal Moncayo and his family, for daring to question the silence and indolence of the narco-para-Uribe government with all the hostages and say that the only solution to conflict is a political negotiation have been threatened with death to the point of forcing them to seek asylum.

not spoil the excitement by Piedad Cordoba, but what peace there may be hope in a country with so vile and sick people, whose ideas and evil thoughts are fed and promoted daily by official establishment itself.

If only setting out to condemn and prompted swift action by the judicial authorities and police in criminal actions against the paramilitaries have been executed in recent months, perhaps his speech no would be so contradictory and so dangerous.

The scandalous crime figures, massacres, disappearances and executions of innocent Colombians by the paramilitary wing of the establishment today Alfredo Molano reminds us in his column in El Espectador , it appears that do not apply to the government of Santos and power in the shadow of the narco-para-Uribe.

Addendum February 15th:

As we anticipated, the Santos administration would take the first opportunity to prevent the release of detainees continue. Under the pretext that the FARC did not meet the program releases Piedad Cordoba as he had announced, now it is the government that he feels "rabbit." Not a minute of waiting to know the reasons for the failure of the FARC, among others, could have been information that were not complying with the conditions of suspension of all military operations, and even if that not valid reason, at last, after all, the release was a unilateral gesture by the FARC, and the rabbit on the side of the FARC does not appear anywhere. If, on the side of the Santos administration, which pushed for the narco-para-Uribe, was waiting for the first pretext to suspend the process and take a propaganda film ever, .... that the FARC made rabbit country.

Nothing more distorted and evil against the hopes and expectations that were created for the relatives of the hostages that were announced were to be released. Nothing more gross, despicable and treacherous with humanitarian efforts of Piedad Cordoba, who is again attacked and presented as an agent of the FARC.

Nobody sees that the only real fact is that the Santos administration has no genuine interest in working for peace in Colombia. There are three indisputable facts underlying this statement: Santos was minister of the narco-para-Uribe, Santos was elected by the narco-para-Uribe, and the congress of the republic is controlled by the narco-para-Uribe.

not get your hopes up. Santos, not because they touch but that's also its ideology, will continue with the policies militaristic, warmongering and implemented by the narco-terrorists-for-Uribe. In the language and propaganda used by the establishment to keep the people deceived and oppressed the three elements have been euphemistically christened democratic security, social cohesion and investor confidence.

Awaken!, Narco-para-Uribe is still ruling (ie, destroying) the country

Mutual Fund Details In Tamil


(or "basically everyone has love songs")

begins earlier, even much earlier, Ours CD1, track 2. I do not know. Stunning look at the calendar, was not It? What would we do while carrying such bags?

How? When it's all over It?

Sleep Can you hear the clock then?

How? incido how?

Mute for you, I will. I take refuge and delinquiré, I promise.
(always plays the wool jersey)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Where Can I Watch Bait Bus Free Online


Yep, another year has reached me, definitely not the best, but I can not complain either, I thought I would post this very special week, I remembered that many of you have told me they do not really know anything about me, my life, my stuff and yes, I'm usually a very reserved with me.

As I am a bipolar, crazy, alarmist and a dreamer.

According to my friends / I'm a nice guy.

But better than you, comrades of many battles discover what kind of person I am, so here I leave some things about me.

WRITE: What do all the time, it helps me see life from another point of view.

FRIENDSHIP: The most important thing I have, every person I met, gave me just now and my experiences that are experiences that help me grow day by day.

THE LOVERS: Wonderful, magical, beautiful, marvelous, beautiful, exciting, but now I'm kinda stuck ...

LAUGH: I do it all the time, I can not help, it's part of my mystique.

THEATRE: I owe a lot of experiences, much happiness and many people.

DOGS: Definitely the best friend of Cava.

a song: My Way.

LA SOLEDAD: Necessary but for short periods.

THE RAIN: I like it, enjoy it until I get romantic.

SEA: He invites me to think and reflect.

THE BEACH: Sitting in the sand and watch the sea, the most ...!¡!

WOMEN: When you love I have panic but women drive me crazy ...

HAIR AND EYES OF A WOMAN: The smell and texture of hair can kill me, eyes, the first thing I notice, I can fall surrendered to them if they have that special magic, but I also fixed other stuff, of course ...

SECRETS: Always present, no always necessary, can lead us to lie.

DREAMS: We must never stop believing in the magic of these.

LOVE: Wow ... "love can not touch, but how it feels ...!¡!"

SEX: Beautiful ... Wonderful ... Necessary ... We all come from there, we're all there, always, always, always.

KISS: The start is not known to happen, but always rich or not ...?

MARRIAGE: Graduation of life, the beginning of our real life and so we have to get prepared.

AMAR: I have loved much, I loved a lot, but still wait for that special woman.


MAYOR UNDER: Sincerity, not always possible but always try.

YOU (READERS WORLD-CAVA): Honey without borders, without a passport friendship, sincerity without nationality ...

This is the so-Cava, however if you want to know more, ask, accept the challenge.

I can only thank them for always being on that side, for your understanding, for your company, always remember me, every word, every thought, for his friendship and for all that sincerity.

love them very much.
A kiss.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Multiple Polyps On Gall Bladder

armored suites hotels: another reason to celebrate the country's democratic security!

critiqued the mess of the democratic security of narco-for-president Uribe stood today without valid arguments!

Colombia could be now considered the safest country in the world, among other reasons because there are hotels that offer suites armored and that the Colombians can travel by road does not matter whether they are subject to requisitions and groping in military and police checkpoints stationed every 10 km.

The amazing thing is that with all the obvious contradiction and reflected in the two previous examples, this monstrosity narco-to-state is continually assembled by Uribe praised by most Colombians, prepaid media (which are the majority) and of course for public servants who remain faithful to the former drug (well most), including President Santos who, in a recent speech to celebrate the first 6 months of government, not savings and praise for his former chief political mentor, no matter the day of his speech, is the newspaper of his home to present as great news the opening of a hotel in Cali armored suites offering executives of multinationals.

Less even matter that the paramilitaries continue to campers throughout the country killing peasants who dare to demand that they return the land stolen from them under the protection of his former drug dealer, killing students who dare to visit their vast territories without ask a Visa, controlling the coffers of local governments and regional and shipping cocaine to Europe and North America in numbers never before recorded. And all this happens while General Naranjo still be honored for being "the best policeman of the world!

But in a country in which the desirability of the FTA with gringos (to name another example) is measured by the benefits that farmers and manufacturers gringos obtained, any expectation that logic and common sense work is worthless. Hence the complaints and requests almost on his knees of political and economic elites that Obama's government not to delay the treaty and subject to the approval of congress.

their arguments The promoters of the treaty could not be more pathetic and contradictory: if the Americans do not strive, Europeans and Canadians to appropriate the remainder of the Colombian market, read, flood the country with food commodities such as milk, rice, corn, wheat, barley, potatoes, .... Hence not surprising that the media who call themselves as alternative, presented as great news that the Yankees "Santos you are buying a discourse on NAFTA" as a strategy to put pressure on Obama with the signing of the treaty, without any analysis of the contradictions of the discourse of Santos and the negative implications for the country.

not surprising that Colombia is considered the country where events occur more unusual , Absurd, inconceivable , aberrant , pathetic, barbaric ... ... and not only once but repeated and already accepted as fact to the point that normal is a matter of national pride!

Colombia is Passion! yelled the idiots who live in the world of fantasy!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Large Japanese Tea House Plans


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Babylock Grace Sew Machine

Hello, you're asking to do here and the answer is that "life" I offered to your Head Coach and I accept, but do not take this the wrong way, keep in mind that if you accept it because I see in you a very special woman, beautiful, full of qualities, dreams, attitudes and skills.

So, you say? Let's do it, pass very well, we will achieve a lot of fun and awesome teamwork, I know, sorry.

first thing to do is forget the past and you know what I mean, now you understand something, that Head Coach is just a title, the reality is that we will be a crazy couple of lovers who work to accomplish a goal and this is your welfare, your happiness. Dale

strong, give hard, be strong, no matter what happens I will always be here, never mind what people say, this is a pact between you and me, nobody else.

always ask you to give the best, perhaps sometimes catches your eye, but everything is for you to accomplish your purposes, for you to accomplish your goals, just that, then after every win, be the star, the winner of I no speak, what will and consent that we should not forget that this is by and for you.

are not alone, never forget, always be here next to the field of life, next to the field of destiny advising you what the best decision you can make, calmándote when you lose your head, propelling you when you feel that you can not more, motivating you when you have a plan to follow.

is important that you realize that there are times when you have to ignore my advice, for this you should read the plays that life sends you and when it's convenient that they improvise.

If you mess up, nothing happens, we'll have time to correct errors. If I'm wrong
note that the move that I suggested, I thought it was the best and never lose confidence, together we'll get.

I promise to take you to the top, I promise to fill love, joy, confidence, make you the happiest woman in the world, that's my goal, our goal and then if you so wish, I'll leave you, your life and although I will be very painful and that I killed inside, while I will be very happy that finally I can see you as always darling, happy, fulfilled, successful, smiling.

But we'll talk later, now running with the ball of love, throw the ball far overcoming blocks the bad times, tackles the bad people, not let life hit you, you hit life running, feel, dream, live, smile when you feel that something is not right, timeout and come with me, together we will find the solution to every play, every problem, every situation.

If we lose a game or a blow hurts too much, never show it, when we are alone together in the locker room crying, screaming, reassure us and move on.

Princess got to the point, focus, out to the field of life and enjoy everything you do.

I love you so much and if you want, I'll always be here to field the side of your life.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wallmart Marshmellow Gun


* of the hour,
only ever calling out:
"cuck-oo, hoo-oo, hoo-oo."