Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Astra Diesel Isuzu

Apropos of dictatorships in Latin America, which is true? that of Colombia or Venezuela?

occasion of the popular uprisings in the Middle East, a large body of opinion in Colombia is now asking the sacred heart that these same revolutions are given against the "dictatorship" that as they exist in Venezuela , Cuba and Nicaragua. Absurd ideas that reflect a complete ignorance about the history, systems of governance and political and social conditions in which revolutions are framed in the Middle East, and what actually happens in neighboring countries who have freed themselves from oppression and exploitation gringa.

Worse more shameful is that these same broad sectors of the Colombian people do not realize that they have for centuries lived under the same or worse dictatorships that Gaddafi and Mubarak, only that they live under dictatorships are not embodied in one person but in different figures represent mafias, caste / political and economic elites that frequently (every 4 years, lately every 8 years) alternate power under a farce that represents a false democratic process, which the same is illegitimate, manipulated and corrupted.

Dictatorships only defenders the interests of the elites and oligarchies and national economic policies and the U.S. government and its multinationals, and that therefore, its aim (like the dictatorships in the Middle East) is to oppress and exploit the Colombians, and have to resort to use terror and violence, as has been happening for over 60 years.

godarria The Colombian, who only thinks and acts in accordance with local official propaganda and pro-gringo does not realize that it is precisely against such local elites and domination gringa Chavez has been fighting for nearly 12 years. By washing brain such that they know that the struggle Chavez has been in favor of social classes that traditionally had been repressed for decades, exploited and socially excluded, precisely for the equivalent of caste and oligarchies that have and Colombians continue to exploit. Breeds that all they want is to maintain the status quo in the interests of a small number of corrupt and powerful families who enjoy seeing their wealth grow exponentially at the expense of the impoverishment of the majority of Colombians and delivery political sovereignty, territorial and resource the U.S. government.

This was extirpated cancer Chavez of Venezuela and Colombia in the case appears to be incurable because of the sheep mentality of the majority!.

A Chávez, if you want the gringos and the Colombians sheep, they can still be called a dictator. But Chavez is far from being compared to Middle East dictators, whom the gringo government has supported for decades by supplying arms and resources to keep their people oppressed and miserable. Chávez, by contrast, is a "dictator" but against the political classes and oligarchies Venezuelan society, also with the consent of empire had oppressed for decades by the Venezuelan people and stole away with their natural heritage and economic development.

A Colombian Gallery ignorant and ewe, the oppressors will not let them know (or do not want them to know) that the "dictator" Chávez has reduced poverty from about 70% to 23% ; that all Venezuelans, without distinction of class have full health coverage, free access to all education, including university education, and that the unemployment rate is only 6.4%; that is, lower than the unemployment rates in USA and Canada and of course lower than the rate of unemployment in Colombia.

ignorance and submission of the gallery is such that not even allowed to look at living conditions: first place in the world displacement, over 50% of poverty ( 80% in the field), a health system that the poor have to entutelar to give them generic drugs against a headache, and the workers and individuals from upper-middle classes have to pay large sums and entutelando also terminate the EPS for permitting some treatments and drugs, not to mention the mediocre and limited education, of which the majority of the population is excluded by the outrageous costs, especially at university level.

If you have not checked the figures are convinced who disappeared during the dictatorships of Videla in Argentina and Pinochet in Chile. Only the dictatorship of Uribe missing outnumbered those of Chile and Argentina, with more than 30,000 citizens who were totally alien to the internal conflict, not to mention the executions, which in itself was abominable Uribe figure reached more than 3,000 innocent civilians brutally murdered humble (the ill-called false positives) not counting the executions of hundreds of union leaders, teachers, community leaders, human rights defenders, independent journalists, etc. ..!!!!
To see if these facts does shake of his mental stupor and recognize that it is you who have lived and still live under an oppressive dictatorship, exploiter and terrorists.

If at least take a few minutes to scrutinize the propaganda disseminated by the media subservient to prepaid dictators (this if for real) and compare it with reality living Perhaps in those brief moments of his birth with a logical and rational thinking and can see that the reality they are selling these prepaid media is pure fantasy. WAKE UP!!

final note: From borreguismo instilled by the oligarchs are not saved or who call themselves intellectuals and opinion makers, they demonize Chavez the same fervor and intellectual impairment that makes the gallery. They do not realize their opposition, when they condemn Chavez as a dictator, using the same rhetoric and propaganda used by local political classes and the government gringo who criticized as evil for the Colombian nation. How pathetic are these specimens too!


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