Hello, you're asking to do here and the answer is that "life" I offered to your Head Coach and I accept, but do not take this the wrong way, keep in mind that if you accept it because I see in you a very special woman, beautiful, full of qualities, dreams, attitudes and skills.
So, you say? Let's do it, pass very well, we will achieve a lot of fun and awesome teamwork, I know, sorry.
first thing to do is forget the past and you know what I mean, now you understand something, that Head Coach is just a title, the reality is that we will be a crazy couple of lovers who work to accomplish a goal and this is your welfare, your happiness. Dale
strong, give hard, be strong, no matter what happens I will always be here, never mind what people say, this is a pact between you and me, nobody else.
always ask you to give the best, perhaps sometimes catches your eye, but everything is for you to accomplish your purposes, for you to accomplish your goals, just that, then after every win, be the star, the winner of I no speak, what will and consent that we should not forget that this is by and for you.
are not alone, never forget, always be here next to the field of life, next to the field of destiny advising you what the best decision you can make, calmándote when you lose your head, propelling you when you feel that you can not more, motivating you when you have a plan to follow.
is important that you realize that there are times when you have to ignore my advice, for this you should read the plays that life sends you and when it's convenient that they improvise.
If you mess up, nothing happens, we'll have time to correct errors. If I'm wrong
note that the move that I suggested, I thought it was the best and never lose confidence, together we'll get.
I promise to take you to the top, I promise to fill love, joy, confidence, make you the happiest woman in the world, that's my goal, our goal and then if you so wish, I'll leave you, your life and although I will be very painful and that I killed inside, while I will be very happy that finally I can see you as always darling, happy, fulfilled, successful, smiling.
But we'll talk later, now running with the ball of love, throw the ball far overcoming blocks the bad times, tackles the bad people, not let life hit you, you hit life running, feel, dream, live, smile when you feel that something is not right, timeout and come with me, together we will find the solution to every play, every problem, every situation.
If we lose a game or a blow hurts too much, never show it, when we are alone together in the locker room crying, screaming, reassure us and move on.
Princess got to the point, focus, out to the field of life and enjoy everything you do.
I love you so much and if you want, I'll always be here to field the side of your life.
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