One of the newer cables Wikileaks reveals evidence was needed on the charade of "Operation Check" which led to the release of Ingrid Betancourt, Americans and other mercenaries detained.
Next is the link to the full content of the diplomatic cable, dated June 24, 2008 and originated at the embassy in Bogotá:
The cable, which is central theme of the intentions of a humanitarian agreement with the FARC, revealed in one of his asides following: XXXXXX told us on June 13 that the church is in direct contact with the commander the first head of the FARC, Giraldo [Gerardo] Antonio Aguilar Ramirez ("Caesar") who supposedly is looking to the government of Colombia to free his wife and daughter as well as the Colombian government's commitment to allow him to family and any member of the FARC to demobilize him and freely travel to France in return for the release of Ingrid Betancourt. XXXXXX reported the matter to Deputy Defence Minister Sergio Jaramillo, who promised full cooperation. XXXXXXX said that if the deal went ahead, the church would participate at parish level as a share to more desprestigiaría high church with the FARC secretariat. ... ... .... XXXXXXXX considered that the release through the demobilization of a commander who is responsible for the hostages is more likely that an authorized release by the secretariat ".
As abruption of the diplomatic cable, the many versions , features and news articles famous following the operation check, they were right in the sense that "success" of the operation was due to direct negotiations alias Cesar, not bold action from the military. Acts were also repeatedly challenged by the FARC secretariat own , for whom the alias Cesar negotiating with the government was an act of betrayal and not a intelligence work and persuasion as presented army, supposedly the result of which Caesar was deceived and induced to accept the mobilization of the hostages for the secretariat order more.
The challenge was to counter the massive propaganda that followed the release, which came through of all major prepaid media are always hungry for news of fiction and ready to recreate and amplify what the establishment tells you. And the ad nauseum repetition of the images of the supposed rescue and statements of all the heroes, including the cries and prayers of Ingrid Betancourt, had the effect sought: Today, all Colombians, including many unsuspecting foreigners, remain convinced that the "check operation" was the most spectacular action of the army of Colombia and the strategic blow harder against the FARC. Convinced it was not difficult given the mental weakness, inability to question and attitude borreguísimo characteristic of most Colombians. We also remember the farce that amount Uribe and his army of heroes of the motherland in 2006 with the demobilization of 70 alleged guerrileros dubbed a front Cacica The Gaitan to (please refer to link to refresh your memory)
directors still working in the many versions of the film and documentary check operation will have to make last minute changes (if they even have time) because with the revelations of Wikileaks, which purporting to show a real courageous and bold action of the Colombian army is not view but as a science fiction movie.
For the print media, radio, television (series, noveluchas, etc. ..) as well as the authors of many books have also published about should be asked if you have the ability to be ashamed and publish / disseminate relevant clarifications, including the wide dissemination of diplomatic cable and the recognition that, or is paid to spread propaganda, or were assaulted in their good faith.
A final observation: In the comments made in this article, some believe that the diplomatic cable was invented by Wikileaks. Nothing more false. Wikileaks is only a means of communication that has received thousands of memoranda generated gringas embassies scattered throughout the world and were sent to the Department of State (equivalent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia). These memos were kept confidential or secret by the State Department were leaked to Wikileaks by someone who had full access to your files but the gringo government has not yet fully identified. These memoranda, usually are reports of meetings between the ambassador gringo (or officials of the embassy) with host government officials, and in many other cases, opinions or perceptions of the ambassadors on governments or the political, social or economic importance of countries where they have diplomatic representation.
In the particular case of memoranda generated by the Colombian Embassy, \u200b\u200bwhat registers are held formal discussions or meetings between Embassy officials and government gringa Colombia, but with the difference that were (and certainly and continuing) the Colombian government officials (including senior military and police) who attended the gringo embassy to request authorization to pay bills or how to act, which agents of the government for more shame gringo!. Cables published so far revealed. See the following link: " Accountability Uribe government's ambassador to the gringo on the occasion of the scandals of the DAS "
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