Friday, February 25, 2011

I Am Getting Thrush After Every Period

according to UN Office

As usual, little attention and dissemination by the mass media has had the last report of the office in Colombia of the United Nations Human Rights, which analyzes the major acts of violence occurred during 2010.

For those who want to know the entire UN report please click on the link below:

For those who just want a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe report below we summarize the salient results and statistics :

On human rights and international humanitarian law ...

The UN office in Colombia received with concern the continued killings, threats, attacks, information theft, Tracking and intimidation against defenders of human rights and their organizations in different regions of the country. Among the victims are women and men leaders, community advocates, members of community action boards, Afro-Colombians and indigenous representatives and municipal representatives, trade unionists, personnel system Early Warning (SAT) of the Ombudsman and journalists.

particular concern are the murders, threats and harassment against those who work for the rights of displaced persons, especially women leaders from women's groups, and the restitution of land, particularly in Cauca, Sucre and Urabá. The murder of Rogelio Martinez, and Oscar Maussa Alexander Quintero, who worked in restitution cases, were threatened and allegedly had protective measures, illustrate this situation.

Deaths trade unionists continue to be worrisome. In 2010, 26 people were killed, compared to 25 in 2009. The deaths of non-unionized teachers increased from 4 to 114. A total of 1,433 people from the trade union movement are covered by the Protection Program of the Ministry of Interior and Justice. In 2010, there was the death of a journalist and 45 were threatened.

About DAS criminal activities ....

The information received by the office in Colombia to confirm the existence of a pattern scouting, stalking and harassment conducted systematically by DAS officials, under orders from their superiors, who reported the results. The progress of research suggests that both the G3 group called as the National Monitoring Group and International (Goni), whose members claimed the commission of these illegal acts were in fact formally constituted structures within the institution.

on extrajudicial (the ill-called false positives) ...

judicial rulings to date confirm that the allegations were false and had sustained some politicians and military. The Prosecutor is currently investigating 1,488 cases with 2,547 victims. Moreover, more than 400 cases are being investigated by other sectional units of the Office. To this we must add 448 active cases known to the military criminal justice system and those that may have been filed by the institution without proper legal proceedings.

Based on existing data on cases and victims, the UN office in Colombia estimated that more than 3,000 people could have been victims of extrajudicial killings, attributed mainly to the Army. The vast majority of cases occurred between 2004 and 2008.

The office of the UN expressed concern at the continued denial of extrajudicial executions by members of the security forces and attacks suffered by their members to cooperate with the law.

About paramilitary activities ...

's office UN in Colombia noted with concern an increase in violence generated by illegal armed groups in 2010. Members of these groups have committed murders, threats, extortion and sexual violence and forced displacement caused individual and collective. Particularly worrying is the sharp increase in killings (40%) in the context of violent disputes between these groups and between factions within a group. Only in Cordoba there were 10 massacres in eight months, five of which occurred in October and November.

The victims of these groups are social leaders and human rights defenders public officials in the exercise of its function is opposed to these groups as well as indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities. Other victims are people who refuse to grant the application to work, the groups denouncing to the authorities and who have or seek restitution of land that are of interest to these groups. They also act antagonistically against those perceived as collaborators or members of rival groups or forces, or simply found in an area of \u200b\u200bdispute with another group.

addition, there is a particular concern about the widespread use of children and adolescents in all types of activities, including acts of killings, and sexual violence against women and girls.

in the commission of such violence, these groups have sometimes with the acquiescence, tolerance and even collusion, either through corruption or threats, some members of the security forces, including police National, as evidenced by cases reported in Antioquia, Córdoba and Meta.

parapolitics About ... ..

The UN office in Colombia notes with concern that the influence of the "para-politics" has not disappeared from the new Congress. Of the 268 delegates elected, 13, who had been re-elected are being criminally investigated by the Supreme Court. In addition, there have been reports of possible cases of "political front men" between first elected congressmen and people in processes of "para-politics."
The Court has settled 120 cases against lawmakers and former congressmen.

on Forced Disappearance ..

In November, the total amounted to 51 310 registered missing persons, of which 12,632 have been considered as the alleged disappearances. Among the latter, there are 3,073 women and 3,042 children under 20 years. The increase in cases of missing record from 2009 is almost 40%.

Due process of Law 975, 3,037 graves were exhumed and found 3,678 bodies, only 1,323 have been fully identified, of which 116 have not yet been returned to their families. The degree of impunity surrounding this serious violation of human rights is very high.

About Sexual Violence ....

In 2010, the UN office in Colombia known cases of sexual violence attributed to members of post-demobilization groups in Antioquia, Cauca, Cordoba and Norte de Santander, in which victims were girls or young women. Also known cases of sexual violence attributed to members of the security forces, including Army in Arauca, Caldas, Cauca, Chocó, Meta and Vichada. In most of these cases the victims were girls.

The most dramatic case of sexual violence occurred in Arauca in October, in which was attributed to an Army the rape of two girls with an interval of two weeks, one of the girls, along with two of his brothers was later murdered. Neither the Army nor the prosecutor immediately responded to the complaints of the first act of sexual violence, which reflects not only the negligent conduct in a particular case, but structural flaws in the two institutions.

discrimination ..

NGOs reported 50 murders and numerous threats against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders. Impunity in these cases remains very high. For example, of the 99 cases reported between 2006 and 2007, only 29 are under investigation and in one case has been convicted.

On the situation of indigenous peoples and Afro ... ..

Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities continue to suffer disproportionately from the violation of their rights in the context of armed conflict. In particular, their lives, territorial and cultural rights are threatened by the presence of armed actors in their territories. This results in selective assassinations, disappearances, landfills, forced displacement and indiscriminate attacks by the use of landmines. Among the victims are women and girls, who also suffered sexual violence.

also there have been violations, including sexual violence, attributed to members of the security forces. The lack of adequate measures to protect civilians in the conduct of military operations may have caused forced displacement, as the indigenous 300 occurred in January in Olaya Herrera (Nariño).

About excesses and abuses of the security forces ....

Despite bans national and international recommendations, the UN office in Colombia continued to receive information on the use of children for intelligence purposes by members of the security forces and their participation in civil-military campaigns.

The office in Colombia noted the reports of the existence of a mass grave with 2,000 bodies in La Macarena (Meta). Despite finding no evidence of a mass grave, the office in Colombia detected at least 446 unidentified persons (NN) buried in the cemetery between 2002 and 2010 after being declared "killed in combat" by the Armed Forces.

cases of torture ...

The UN office in Colombia continued to record cases of torture by members of the security forces, and noted with great concern repeated occurrence of this violation in Antioquia, Arauca, Caquetá, Meta, Valle del Cauca and Vichada.

particularly concerned about the situation in Medellín, where several people, including suspects, have been victims of torture and abuse repeatedly. The abuse consisted of, among others, blows to various parts of the body by punching and kicking or manning weapons and shock, burns, pepper spray and suffocation with plastic bags.

Between August 2009 and May 2010, the prosecution had initiated 32 investigations of torture. Under Law 975, the Office reported in November that a total of 51,616 cases had been initiated the confession of 543 acts of torture but to date no one has been convicted.

About displacement ....

The UN office in Colombia expresses great concern about the high number of homicides of people displaced. Between 2007 and March 2010 there were 1499 homicides of people displaced. Although forced displacement usually occurs more in rural areas with presence of illegal armed groups, in 2010 there was an increase in commute. Particularly concerned about the situation in Medellín and Cordoba, where there were several mass displacements due to disputes between paramilitary groups.

Sobre pobreza y derechos sociales, económicos y culturales…..

El coeficiente de Gini alcanzó en 2010 un valor de 0,585, lo que sitúa al país entre los siete más desiguales del planeta. El índice de extrema pobreza es del 16%, pero alcanza porcentajes superiores en algunos departamentos del país.

El 17,5% de la población colombiana padece al menos una carencia grave en salud y persisten la inequidad y las restricciones en el acceso, disponibilidad y calidad de los servicios health for people in poverty.

Addendum February 26 - The Security Council recently adopted UN unanimously reslucion 1970 by which imposes sanctions on the Libyan government, including that of referring cases of human rights violations by the Gaddafi government to the International Criminal Court.

The Ambassador of Colombia, speaking before the Council, said the government condemns Colombia human rights violations and crimes against humanity committed by the government of Libya in response to popular protests. Ambassador Osorio, or representing another country, has not lived in the country, is a cynical hypocrite, or not even read the latest UN report on violations of human rights in Colombia (summarized in the preceding paragraphs) of there did not even show a hint of shame in making its intervention condemning the government of Libya.

And if the UN wants to prove he is not a political arm of the U.S. (for international politics ), which is consistent with their performances, the next country to be referred to the International Criminal Court should be Colombia. His own report prepared by the High Commissioner for Colombia well demands.


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