It's a rainy afternoon and as the minutes of the clock hands move in your womb birth feel desire, almost hurts so much that you miss my manly essence within. Toco
your door, open it, we're there, face to face, me with the depth of love reflected in your face and slowly lead your right hand to my cheek, which gently caress, your finger slides down my neck and rest a long time in my chest, then up and loving and tender draws the outline of my lips.
I am mesmerized by your eyes, that look as yours, I react, he smiled, with that mischievous smile as me, you tremble, as always, your nerves can not bear the full weight of my eyes on you, your heart rate increases and you floating feeling.
I bring my mouth to yours and starts kissing ritual, ritual, because it can not be a simple kiss what you and I share, my being, completely absorbed yours transporting you to a world where only you and I can go.
My brown hands over your body, your breasts, your belly and the essence of your femininity, moaning I can say no more, to fill you with me, that makes you feel like a woman, you want me more than anyone.
I with a forced calm, look at you and smile a little quiet I ask, why is not the time yet, so I'm patting my face down to your throat and tongue drawing their outlines, I stop and give you kiss slow, soft, deep. Continuous
delicious journey toward your breast and there delight me a long time, suck, bite and kiss, with love, passion and desire, Now you feel my hands on your hips and my mouth in the most hidden, more feminine, more and you can not helpless body contorts into a wild orgasmic dance while my tongue between your folds, and tasting your essence.
slowly ascend touching my chest with you and give you a long kiss where you can enjoy your own self dare me, while you, vigorously stroking my back, while you move your hips eagerly awaiting the glorious moment which we become ourselves.
The wait was worth it and continue our transfusion of love, passion and desire, while outside the storm runs its course ...
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